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2019年CCF大数据与计算能大赛乘用车细分市场销量预测数据集 2019年CCF大数据与计算智能大赛乘用车细分市场销量预测冠军解决方案共使用一个lgb模型与一个规则模型进行融合,总运行时长约3min...Vehicle Classification
745K 816
巴塞罗那城市风景数据集 Action/Event Detection Classification
535M 838
能手机图像去噪训练数据集(SIDD) 在过去的十年里,从单反相机和傻瓜相机的成像到智能手机相机的成像发生了天文数字的转变。由于小光圈和传感器尺寸,智能手机图像...Image Search Classification
19G 2410
​Fruits 360 水果蔬菜数据集 Fruits 360数据集包含水果和蔬菜的高质量图像数据集。包括以下水果和蔬菜:苹果(不同品种:深红色雪,金黄色,金红色,奶奶史密...Smart Retailing 2D Box
731.55M 1762
Indoor Multi-Camera Pedestrian Datasets We provide several multi-camera dataset for detection and tracking of multiple pedestrians captured within our laborator...Action/Event Detection Pose,3D Box Tracking
451M 634
Wrist PPG During Exercise AbstractThis database contains wrist PPGs recorded during walking, running and bike riding. Simultaneous motion estimate...Game 2D Box,Pose
49.8M 720
RP2K Pipeline of our data collection process. Our photo collectors were first distributed in over 500 different retail stores...Smart Retailing Classification
5.9G 1038
UbiqLog(能手机动态日志)数据集 Reza Rawassizadeh rrawassizadeh '@' University of California Riverside.Data Set Information:This is the...Computer Causal-Discovery
61.3M 995
环境辅助生活(AAL)数据集中用于人类活动识别(HAR)的能手机数据集 -- Creators: Kadian Alicia Davis (1), Evans Boateng Owusu (2) 1 -- Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunicati...Computer Classification
15.41M 761
能媒体加速度计和陀螺仪(IM-AccGyro)数据集 The IM-AccGyro dataset is devised to benchmark techniques dealing with human activity recognition based on inertial sensors. ...Physical Classification
0M 744
基于能手机数据集的人类活动识别,六项行为数据(步行、上楼、下楼、坐、站、躺) Data Set Information:实验是由30名年龄在19-48岁之间的志愿者进行的。每个人在腰部佩戴智能手机(三星Galaxy S II),进行六项...Action/Event Detection Classification
58.18M 818
室内定位是环境能(AmI) 用于腕带和能手机数据集室内定位的地磁场和WLAN数据集 Data Set Information:室内定位是环境智能(AmI)研究界的一个关键课题。在这种情况下,可穿戴技术的最新进展,特别是内置传感器...Computer Classification
2.9M 1031
Daphnet冻结步态数据集,腿部和臀部的可穿戴加速度传感器识别步态冻结 Data Set Information:The Daphnet Freezing of Gait Dataset is a dataset devised to benchmark automatic methods to recogni...Business Classification
20.5M 1068
收藏品、手袋、手提包、电子产品测试数据集 标题为收藏品、手袋、手提包、电子产品测试数据集的数据集数据结构为:test.csv...Others Classification
56.3M 587
商品数训练数据集 商品数训练数据集的数据集数据结构:train.csv...Others Classification
87M 710
黑色星期五购物数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Abhishek KumarReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following...Holidays and Cultural Events Classification
33.5M 704
零售中的购买价格预测数据集 零售中的购买价格预测数据集,包含分类、品牌等信息...Business Classification
469.2M 669
女人鞋子的数据集 女人鞋子的数据集,包含品牌,分类,颜色,尺寸等...Business Classification
102.09M 605
零售商店每月的交易数据 零售商店每月的交易数据...Business Classification
1K 786
亚马逊产品的消费者评论数据,超过 34,000 条亚马逊产品评论列表 about This DataThis is a list of over 34,000 consumer reviews for Amazon products like the Kindle, Fire TV Stick, and mo...Retail and Shopping,Ratings and Reviews Classification
395.01M 595