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TMDB 5000 电影数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
43.62M 257
具有消费者评级的餐厅数据 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Restaurants Classification
0.2M 258
土耳其历史地震数据集 Earth and Nature,Earth Science,Geology Classification
2.71M 242
培训数据 Earth and Nature,Education Classification
3.64M 433
五伊洛·布拉特数据集 Business,Earth and Nature,Football Classification
0.01M 176
五大会代数据集 Business,Government Classification
1.31M 518
初始V3神奇宝贝模型/重量 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
285.18M 205
拉丁文罗沙里祈祷 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming,Religion and Belief Systems,Languages Classification
0M 220
日语英语双语语库 Psychology,Linguistics,Languages,Artificial Intelligence Classification
346.39M 233
决策树 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.93M 210
INFY 库存数据 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
0.29M 177
SUN397 50 50 Earth and Nature Classification
11948.3M 434
麻省理工学院室内67 80 20 Earth and Nature Classification
974.15M 207
印度各州 Earth Science Classification
0M 194
0.33M 151
纽约的邻里 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment Classification
1.64M 205
跑步或步行(减少) Earth and Nature Classification
0.67M 231
平均太阳现货编号 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Education,Atmospheric Science Classification
0.01M 513
泰坦尼克号数据集的预处理 1 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
0.04M 244
印度空气质量数据 Business,Earth and Nature,India,Pollution Classification
59.64M 232