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1998年国民教育纵向调查 Earth and Nature,Education Classification
1.44M 574
先生分配 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.02M 206
自由声音预测数据 Earth and Nature,Religion and Belief Systems,Classification,Deep Learning Classification
33.24M 203
麻省理工学院科学学会数学数据 Earth and Nature,Education,Literature,Data Cleaning Classification
0.51M 184
2017 2018 SHSAT 入学考试由学校提供 Arts and Entertainment,Education,Standardized Testing,Universities and Colleges,Games,Socrata,Demographics Classification
0.04M 563
反击 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Games,Video Games,Exploratory Data Analysis,Clustering Classification
0.07M 205
卡格尔电影联盟结果 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.01M 220
Clothing and Accessories Classification
29.45M 209
aggr 数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
150.15M 234
分段单元格 Earth and Nature,Online Communities Classification
0.36M 421
y 预样本. npy Earth and Nature Classification
83.5M 198
神奇宝贝数据(包括第七代) Arts and Entertainment,Games,Video Games,Anime and Manga,Popular Culture Classification
0.07M 572
数字功能 Earth and Nature Classification
20.97M 233
模型文件 Clothing and Accessories Classification
0.72M 174
除臭即舔数据 Linear Regression,Logistic Regression Classification
0.98M 232
代5 Others Classification
9.35M 241
代4 Others Classification
9.35M 216
电影评论 Movies and TV Shows Classification
4.3M 281
OANC 由顶级本体学Schema.org注释 Arts and Entertainment,News,Literature Classification
906.94M 488
2017年热门电影 Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Movies and TV Shows,Games Classification
0.02M 246