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尚小 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Multiclass Classification Classification
658.93M 238
沉淀机 Business,Computer Science,Software,Geospatial Analysis,Earth Science,Geology,Atmospheric Science,Physics Classification
4.85M 624
达施斜坡 Earth and Nature,Astronomy Classification
0.04M 224
实验 Earth and Nature Classification
5.31M 638
钥匙叉前 200 个甲板 Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
0.02M 263
星球大战电影对话:按场景细分 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.3M 262
尚形象 Image Data Classification
6466.08M 684
纽约2010年第一季度房地产市场指标 Business,Earth and Nature,Socrata,Real Estate Classification
0.01M 238
纽约曼哈顿下城零售商 Earth and Nature,Retail and Shopping,Socrata Classification
0.25M 279
2019 NCAAM 锦标赛解决方案文件 Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
0.04M 489
Utk 脸裁剪 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
114.43M 588
里希特#x27预测:模拟地震破坏 Earth and Nature,Tabular Data,Multiclass Classification,Categorical Data Classification
32.77M 245
处理数据 Business,Earth and Nature,Statistical Analysis Classification
15.46M 269
自由声音的加密 Clothing and Accessories Classification
0.58M 248
航空质量 Earth Science Classification
0.75M 559
文档 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Programming Classification
3.51M 254
电影评论极性 Movies and TV Shows Classification
7.43M 276
印度水质数据 Business,Earth and Nature,Energy,History,India,Pollution Classification
0.17M 298
演示双引号问题 Earth and Nature,Literature Classification
0M 598
宠物查找器图像 Arts and Entertainment Classification
2365.6M 253