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THUCTC 中文文本分类数据集 THUCTC(THU Chinese Text Classification)是由清华大学自然语言处理实验室推出的中文文本分类工具包,能够自动高效地实现用户自...OCR/Text Detection Classification
1.1G 2785
0M 742
TTC-3600:土耳其文本分类数据集的基准数据集 Assist.Prof.Dr. Deniz KILIN??, Faculty of Technology, Celal Bayar University, Turkeydrdenizkilinc'@'gmail.comDat...Computer Classification
2.5M 994
路透社21578文本分类收集数据集 David D. LewisATT Labs - Research lewis '@' research.att.comdocuments came from Reuters newswire in 1987.Data Se...Agriculture Classification
7.8M 2892
路透社RCV1 RCV2多语言、多视图文本分类测试收集数据集 Massih-Reza AminiUniversit?? Joseph FourierLaboratoire d'Informatique de GrenobleEmail : Massih-Reza.Amini '@...Life Classification
159M 1031
玩转文字分类广告,文本分类广告的分类数据集 ContextWe need to categorize ads automatically sinse many times it is not provided by external data sources.Contentcatid...Business,Real Estate Classification
250.73M 632
癌症数据文本分类 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Kamlesh Kumar# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Cancer Classification
391K 385
项目 nlp 文本分类 Animal Classification
4308.52M 365
文本分类 - 监督学习 #数据集此数据集由Subba Reddy Jinugu#内容创建,包含以下文件:...Computer Science,Education Classification
13.63M 334
文本分类 AG 新闻 Animal Classification
31.3M 252
文本分类 Animal Classification
10.22M 590
品酒师给出的葡萄酒评论数据 ,使用文本分类来对评论中的评论者进行分类 Thinking of Natural Language Processing as a beginner!!The dataset has been about the wine comments or reviews that has...NLP,Business,News,Text Data,Multiclass Classification,Alcohol Classification
50.35M 672
电子邮件文本分类 If you are working, then you are bound to face the problem of reading all the emails that are cluttered in your inbox. S...NLP,Business,Classification,Arts and Entertainment,News,Text Data Classification
18.22M 312
冠状病毒tweets NLP 文本分类 Earth and Nature,Health,NLP,Text Data Classification
10.97M 560
特朗普的性格特征 文本分类 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Politics,NLP Classification
14.36M 365
分层文本分类 Education,NLP,Classification Classification
91.36M 291
FastText 一个用于学习词嵌入和文本分类的库 fastText is a library for learning of word embeddings and text classification created by Facebook's AI Research (FAI...NLP,Computer Science Classification
6.6G 779