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亚马逊的服装、鞋子和珠宝数据集 亚马逊的服装、鞋子和珠宝数据集...Business Classification
88.77M 605
德国信贷相关数据集 德国信贷相关数据集...Lending Classification
0.14M 517
kalliergeies 3 Others,LightGBM Classification
0.43M 781
预测存活率数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by SwayanshuReleased under Data files ? Original Authors# ContentsIt contains the foll...Others Classification
3K 578
财富全球500强企业数据集 ContextThis is a briefing of fortune global 500 giants, which attracts curiosity in the field of job hunting.ContentThis...Business Classification
17.5K 604
有颜色的水果数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Muhammad Jamil MoughalReleased under Data files ? Original Authors# ContentsIt cont...Food Classification
1K 684
巴西公职人员的薪资水平数据集 ContextThe monthly salary of the public workers of the State of São Paulo in Brazil is a Public data available in the t...Business,Government,Jobs and Career,Brazil Classification
92.69M 574
数字Recoginizer #数据集该数据集由deepak singh创建,在CC0:Public Domain#Contents下发布。它包含以下文件:...Others Classification
15.25M 534
墨尔本房子的数据 #数据集此数据集由Lattine创建,发布于CC0:Public Domain#Contents下。它包含以下文件:...Europe Classification
793K 551
melb数据 #数据集此数据集由Lattine创建,发布于CC0:Public Domain#Contents下。它包含以下文件:...Others Classification
793K 512
2017年数据科学中预处理的肺癌40 x100x100数据集 ContextThis is the data I preprocessed for the 2017 Data Science Bowl from Kaggle: Data,Cancer Classification
5.38G 672
Airbnb Cph上市 #数据集该数据集由Muskanstha#Contents创建,其中包含以下文件:...Aviation Classification
18.62M 472
ResNet网络数据集 ResNet34HardAug512的数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
6.95G 779
谷歌地标数据集 谷歌landmarks 2019 64x64 part1的数据集数据结构为...Others Classification
9.01G 829
伯特列车数据集 伯特train2的数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
246M 879
计量器重量数据集 imet剂量的数据集数据结构为...Others Classification
6.12G 914
tabakbardak #数据集该数据集由Osman Gul#Contents创建,其中包含以下文件:...Others Classification
1.03G 499
frauldenttransactions #数据集此数据集由nishantjain#Contents创建,其中包含以下文件:...Others Classification
37.82M 551
returnrate #数据集此数据集由nishantjain#Contents创建,其中包含以下文件:...Others Classification
426K 749
Pokachi #数据集此数据集由Mudit Choria创建#内容它包含以下文件:...Others Classification
3K 687