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用于DJI WSDK物体检测的Yolo Fruits 水果数据集 用于DJI WSDK物体检测的Yolo Fruits 水果数据集...Image Search,Earth and Nature,Food,Nutrition Classification
43.5G 1123
Google-Landmarks 用于地标识别和图像恢复实验的数据集 你有没有浏览过你的假期照片并问自己:我在中国参观的这座寺庙叫什么名字?谁创造了我在法国看到的这座纪念碑?地标识别可以提供...Environment,Vehicle,Environment Classification
592.7G 1122
CN-Celeb 一个室外收集的大规模说话人识别数据集 This is a large-scale speaker recognition dataset collected 'in the wild'. The dataset consists of two subsets,...Common Audio
29.66G 1607
土壤侵蚀控制相关数据集,陆地生态系统的一项关键生态系统服务,用于土壤修复及流失防控 Soil erosion control is a key ecosystem service delivered by terrestrial ecosystems, mainly through vegetation cover. Tw...Environment,Environment,Earth Science Classification
1.54G 1068
病虫害文本描述数据集 Person,Time Series Analysis,TensorFlow Text
0.1M 1126
停车场数据集,标有“已满”或“免费”的停车位照片集 Ever want to identify if there was a free car park space available when you got home? These are raspberry pi images of a...Online Communities,Image Data,Travel Classification
2.6G 1389
酒精饮料数据集,包含啤酒、苹果酒、鸡尾酒、蒸馏的葡萄酒 酒精饮料数据集,包含啤酒、苹果酒、鸡尾酒、蒸馏的葡萄酒...Business,Life Classification
1.1G 792
Symphony Lake数据集,来自无人驾驶地面车辆的500多万张图像捕捉了非结构化的自然环境 Symphony Lake Dataset consists of 121 visual surveys of a lakeshore over more than three years in Metz, France. Unique f...Computer Science,Programming Classification
6.6G 893
ICCV 2013 自动面部地标检测,野外拍摄的300张人脸图像的真实世界数据集 The first Automatic Facial Landmark Detection in-the-Wild Challenge (300-W 2013) to be held in conjunction with Internat...Person,Deep Learning 2D Box
1.99G 808
蝴蝶高分辨率图像数据集 蝴蝶高分辨率图像数据集...Image Data,Biology Classification
4.5G 977
街景房屋编号(SVHN)数据集,可用于对象识别算法的真实图像数据集 SVHN是一个用于开发机器学习和对象识别算法的真实图像数据集,对数据预处理和格式化的要求最低。它可以被视为与MNIST在风格上相...NLP,OCR/Text Detection,Business,Image Search 2D Box
3.91G 2089
NEOCR:自然环境OCR数据集,包含659幅真实世界的图像 NEOCR数据集包含659幅真实世界的图像,带有5238个带注释的边界框(文本字段)。这些图像是由多人独立于数据集拍摄的,因此数据集...NLP,Arts and Entertainment 2D Box,Classification
1.31G 989
街景文本(SVT)数据集,来自谷歌街景的图像数据 The Street View Text (SVT) dataset was harvested from Google Street View. Image text in this data exhibits high variabil...NLP,Energy 2D Box,Classification
112.7M 1621
滚动快门校正数据集,校正手持设备的滚动快门视频 The dataset is described in the CVPR paper:Per-Erik Forssén and Erik Ringaby,Rectifying rolling shutter video from hand...Action/Event Detection 2D Box
106.61M 687
YTRACK数据集,包含交通场景信息,摄像头安装在一辆车上追赶另一辆数据车 该数据集包含两个视频序列,NissanSkylineChase和LiverRun,它们是ytLongTrack数据集的一个子集。其中包括交通场景,摄像头安装...Autonomous Driving 2D Box Tracking
171.8M 782
萨尔茨堡纹理图像数据集 (STex) The Salzburg Texture Image Database (STex) is a large collection of 476 color texture image that have been captured arou...Fashion,Image Search Classification
1.6G 744
IIIT 5K word数据集,包含广告牌、招牌、门牌号、门牌、电影海报等查询词 The IIIT 5K-word dataset is harvested from Google image search. Query words like billboards, signboard, house numbers, h...NLP Classification
101M 805
RIDER Lung CT 肺癌CT影像数据集 RIDER Lung CT Dataset 是用于评估非小细胞肺癌患者 CT 扫描图像的肿瘤变异性数据集,其包含 15419 张图片。该数据集包含 32 名...Medical Classification
3.5G 1092
交互手势互动数据集,可应用于元宇宙及VR场景中互动操作 ContentWhat's inside is more than just rows and columns. Make it easy for others to get started by describing how yo...Action/Event Detection,Arts and Entertainment Classification
1.72G 1154
脑图像训练数据集 脑图像训练数据集...Medical,Image Data Classification
106.37M 832