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The Boxy Vehicles Others 2D Box,2D Cuboid
851.62G 440
MPII 人体姿势数据集 MPII 人体姿势数据集是用于评估人体关节姿势估计的最先进基准。该数据集包括大约 25,000 张图像,其中包含超过 40,000 个带有注...Person Classification,2D Keypoints
11.26G 782
PASCAL-S Others 2D Polygon
17.72G 811
The BioID Face Others 2D Keypoints
120.1M 553
CSTR VCTK Others Audio
10.94G 481
Question Pairs Others Text
55.48M 760
Animal Parts Others 2D Keypoints
12.34M 517
tedHrlrTranslate Others Text
461.27M 411
Wordsim-240 Others Text
4K 709
Common Voice EN Others Text
50.06G 831
VeRI-Wild Others 2D Box
2.66G 841
AITEX FABRIC IMAGE Others 2D Semantic Segmentation,Classification
168.17M 693
THUCNews Others Text
1.45G 848
CMU QA Others Text
7.87M 425
RarePlanes Others 2D Box,2D Polygon
316.03G 801
104.53M 463
The IIIT 5K-word Others 2D Box,Classification
100.96M 443
MSRA-B Others 2D Polygon
87.67M 540
UCI Spambase Others Classification
811K 681
NightOwls Others 2D Box
293.76G 489