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plaindnn1layer1024epoch10 plaindnn1layer1024epoch10的数据集数据结构为:submission.csv...Others Classification
6.33M 465
预测网络攻击数据集 预测网络攻击数据集...Others Classification
30.45M 488
金奈巴士路线数据集 金奈巴士路线数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
22.5K 502
kc房子数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by sawayaka# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Industry Classification
2.4M 599
入侵检测 入侵检测的数据集:数据结构为:...Others Classification
1.83M 470
toxic-xgboost toxic-xgboost的数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
12.8M 497
奥利维蒂的脸 奥利维蒂的脸的数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
1.66M 518
titanic-test titanic的数据集数据结构为:test.csv...Others Classification
10.7K 474
好利获得 好利获得的数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
1.66M 458
每日幻想篮球赛-DraftKings NBA,DraftKings NBA每日幻想篮球比赛的数据集 In Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) contests, contestants construct a virtual lineup of players that score points based on the...Basketball,Optimization Classification
808.09M 777
ConversationAIDataset ConversationAIDataset数据结构:...Others Classification
73M 535
简单的数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Yasin K# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
0.46M 466
vgg 16模型数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by lsfszyf# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
527.8M 566
facens nlp语料库分类 用于FACENS DS 课程的第一个 NLP 活动的基础数据集 Passado como dataset para atividade 01 de NLP do curso Ciência de Dados da FACENS.Mantido integralmente no Kaggle, mesm...NLP,Health,Multiclass Classification Classification
0.89M 681
面具数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by ArtemReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains the follo...Others Classification
342.56M 899
IMDB数据集 IMDB数据集...Music Analysis Classification
2875.03M 535
DeepWeedsX 在澳大利亚北部收集的大型杂草物种图像数据集 DeepWeedsX 数据集由 9 个类别的 17,508 个独特的 256x256 彩色图像组成。有 15,007 张训练图像和 2,501 张测试图像。这些图像是...Agriculture,Earth and Nature,Biology Classification
944.59M 925
毒性评论分类挑战数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by ksayantaniReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following file...Arts and Entertainment Classification
7.99M 623
慕尼黑历史天气数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Andreas KapplReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: Database Contents# C...Others Classification
1.37M 567
形状(正方形和三角形),一组用于学习分类器图像的形状数据集 Code UsageYou can create or generate your own shapes withpython3createshape.pyand you can convert those images dataset t...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming Classification
4.17M 1030