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果蝇黑色素母细胞基因组数据,探索普通果蝇的注释基因组 Drosophila MelanogasterDrosophila Melanogaster, the common fruit fly, is a model organism which has been extensively use...Animal,Deep Learning Classification
130M 754
DMSP-OLS夜间灯光时间序列,从太空看到的世界各地的夜光观测数据 ContextNight Light Values can be used for geospatial predictions.ContentNight light observations as seen from space for...Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Computer Vision,Social Issues and Advocacy Classification
6.8G 580
来自勇气号和机遇号火星探测器的 350,000 张原始图像(带有元数据) 来自勇气号和机遇号火星探测器的 350,000 张原始图像(带有元数据)Bibtex:@article{,title={350,000RawImagesfromSpiritandOppo...Physical Image Caption
35.4G 735
NASA 每日天文图片档案(7800 张图片,2011年) 发现宇宙!每天都会展示我们迷人宇宙的不同图像或照片,以及由专业天文学家撰写的简短说明,该数据集来自 的 7800...Physical Science,Physical Classification
2.57G 740
NASA数据集,不同风洞速度和攻角下不同尺寸的NACA0012翼型数据 Data Set Information:NASA数据集包括不同风洞速度和攻角下不同尺寸的NACA 0012翼型。翼型的跨度和观察者的位置在所有实验中都是...Physical Regression
58.6K 1807
USPTO算法挑战赛,由美国宇航局哈佛竞赛实验室和TopCoder问题:Pat数据集运行 -- Creator: TopCoder, Inc.-- Released under Apache License, Version 2.0 Classification
135.92M 877
Statlog(陆地卫星)数据集 Ashwin Srinivasan Department of Statistics and Data Modeling University of Strathclyde Glasgow Scotland UK ross '@&#...Physical Classification
91.3K 1070
航天飞机着陆控制数据集 Original source: unknownNASA: Mr. Roger Burke's autolander design teamDonor: Bojan CestnikJozef Stefan InstituteJamo...Physical Classification
1K 944
微博客PCU数据集 数据集被用于探索微博中的垃圾邮件发送者 Jun Liu(liukeen '@', Hao Chen(lechenhao '@' , Mengting Zhan, Jianhong Mi,Yanzha...Computer Classification
5.8M 610
魔术伽马望远镜数据集,光子与高层大气中宇宙射线引发的强子簇射图像 Data Set Information:这些数据是MC生成的(见下文),用成像技术模拟地面大气切伦科夫伽马望远镜中高能伽马粒子的注册。切伦科...Physical Classification
604K 714
美国航天飞机挑战者号O型环数据集 Data Set Information:There are two databases: (both use the same set of 5 attributes):1. Primary o-ring erosion and/or b...Physical Regression
2K 964
卫星图像数据集 卫星图像数据集...Image Search,Physical Classification
117M 670
探索足球分析 Football Classification
4.55M 443
五三八酒精消费数据集,探索来自FiveThrityEight的数据 This folder contains the data behind the story Dear Mona Followup: Where Do People Drink The Most Beer, Wine And Sp...Business,Alcohol Classification
5K 534
医疗保险D部分阿片类药物处方者摘要文件,探索来自CMS的公开数据 This is a dataset hosted by the Centers for MedicareMedicaid Services (CMS). The organization has an open data platform...Socrata,Drugs and Medications Classification
296.32M 413
Facebook数据,探索性数据分析,从Facebook的数据集中获得洞察力 This exploratory data analysis gives insights from Facebook dataset which consists of identifying users that can be focu...Business,Exploratory Data Analysis,Social Networks Classification
4.98M 510
H-1B签证的探索性数据分析 H-1B visa is a visa in the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 101(a)(15)(H) that allows U....Law,Government,International Relations Classification
163.39M 352
探索天气趋势 Others Classification
0.01M 451
卫星姿势估计数据集,斯坦福 SLAB + ESA ACT 姿态估计数据集和挑战 Satellite Pose Estimation ChallengeDo you want do collaborate with researchers from Stanford and ESA on a challenging ma...Deep Learning,Earth and Nature,Neural Networks,Regression Classification
5.04G 553
为自然语言处理探索迁移学习 Business,Education,Social Science,NLP,Classification,Research,Transfer Learning Classification
1743.96M 927