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信用卡客户数据集,六种数据挖掘方法违约概率的预测准确性 Data Set Information:本研究针对的是欧元客户并比较六种数据挖掘方法对违约概率的预测准确性。从风险管理的角度来看,估计违约...Business Classification
5.3M 1542
3D 道路网络(北日德兰半岛,丹麦)数据集,用于空间挖掘技术和卫星图像处理 该数据集是通过将高程信息添加到丹麦北日德兰半岛的 2D 道路网络(覆盖 185 x 135 km^2 的区域)而构建的。从丹麦公开的大规模激...Physical 3D Model
19.7M 779
用于挖掘定量流上的模糊序列模式的数据集 Omid Shakeri, M.Sc omid.shakeri '@' ; omid.shakeri '@' gmail.comData Mining Lab., Computer Eng...N/A N/A
10.8M 648
NYSK数据集,用于文本挖掘任务中的主题提取、情绪分析 Data Set Information:Documents are first obtained via a Web search using AMIEI: an integrated platform for delivering en...NLP,Social Clustering
17.5M 664
教育过程挖掘(EPM):学习分析数据集 Data Set Information:The experiments have been carried out with a group of 115 students of first-year, undergraduate Eng...Computer Classification
4.7M 1313
抽水机,水表的数据挖掘 Cloned from,Environment,Biology,Environment Classification
25.33M 742
使用R进行数据挖掘: Business Classification
12.98M 407
用于数据挖掘和机器学习的神奇宝贝,所有神奇宝贝统计数据直到第 6 代:每个神奇宝贝 21 个变量 With the rise of the popularity of machine learning, this is a good opportunity to share a wide database of the even mor...Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Games,Anime and Manga,Comics and Animation,Card Games Classification
780K 457
挖掘哈菲兹的诗歌 Internet,Literature,Text Mining Classification
0.49M 733
数据挖掘项目 1 Sapfile Business Classification
0.01M 217
航空公司数据集挖掘 Aviation Classification
21.09M 258
文本挖掘 " EBOLA " " Others Classification
1.75M 203
数据挖掘项目 Business Classification
18.1M 234
文本挖掘 电子商务 数据集 Business Classification
8.11M 287
用于学习数据挖掘的病人入院数据集 Education,Health Classification
0.27M 431
英国癌症的文本挖掘和分析,英国癌症的自然语言处理 Text mining and analysis on Cancer UK Natural language processing on cancer UK...NLP,Biology,Text Data,Health Conditions Classification
4.33M 315
FakeNewsNet 假新闻研究数据收集,假新闻、虚假信息、数据挖掘 This is a repository for an ongoing data collection project for fake news research at ASU. We describe and compare FakeN...NLP,News,Social Science,Social Networks Classification
72.61M 1104