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2018年 Others Classification
0.12M 380
标准普尔500 Others Classification
0.02M 414
地震与股市综合 News,Finance,Earth Science Classification
4.49M 309
科罗拉多州丹佛市消费者物价 Economics,Ratings and Reviews Classification
3.35M 342
人类幸福 Social Science Classification
2.77M 356
A姆斯, IA 住房价格 Real Estate Classification
0M 392
腐败感知 News,Politics,Crime Classification
0.02M 709
全球竞争力数数据集 Business,Social Science,Economics Classification
5.85M 371
人类发展 Social Science,Government Classification
0.01M 295
道琼斯数数据集 Business,Investing Classification
0.08M 331
消费者价格 背景:劳工统计局将消费者价格指数(CPI)定义为一种统计指标,用于衡量主要消费群体(如食品、住房、服装、交通和医疗保健)中...Business,Social Science,Ratings and Reviews Classification
12M 406
使用犯罪率数据的房屋价格 Social Science Classification
0.11M 299
外汇和加密与债券、数和商品 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
2353.68M 283
按城市计算的生活成本 Business,Investing,Demographics Classification
0.03M 295
美国慢性病标 (CDI) Health,News,Health Conditions,Public Health,Healthcare Classification
151.78M 360
纽约2010年第一季度房地产市场 Business,Earth and Nature,Socrata,Real Estate Classification
0.01M 262
每日美元日元(2000-2019年)与技术 Software,News,Finance,Religion and Belief Systems,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Time Series Analysis Classification
5.51M 626
每小时英镑兑美元及技术标(2000-2019年) Internet,Finance,Investing,Economics,Religion and Belief Systems,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Time Series Analysis Classification
96.49M 276
圣何塞经济 Business Classification
0M 271
JRC 保水 Business,Energy,Earth Science,Europe Classification
6116.12M 234