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越南语地址手写数据集 越南语地址手写数据集...MNIST Classification
423.81M 432
手写数学表达式 上下文如果你曾经排过数学表达式,你可能会想: 如果我能给一个手写的表达式拍张照片,让它自动识别出来,不是很棒吗?这个数据集...Arts and Entertainment,Artificial Intelligence Classification
65.92M 694
手写数学符号数据集,超过10万个图像样本 Dataset consists of jpg files(45x45)DISCLAIMER: dataset does not contain Hebrew alphabet at all. It includes basic Greek...NLP,Computer Science,Law,Email and Messaging Classification
410.19M 609
手写识别 Others Classification
658.34M 476
手写验证 Earth and Nature,Classification Classification
1.26M 213
儿童阿拉伯语字母手写 Image Data Classification
5554.99M 231
MNIST-手写数字识别问题,用于评估手写数字分类问题的机器学习模型的数据集 MNIST-手写数字识别问题,用于评估手写数字分类问题的机器学习模型的数据集...Earth and Nature Classification
122M 448
NumtaDB: 孟加拉语手写数字 Notice: This page will be used for Kernels, Starter Codes, and Discussions. For competition rules, evaluation metric des...Business,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
1946.44M 631
手写字符 Earth and Nature,Classification,Deep Learning,Computer Vision Classification
697.76M 508
字母数字手写数据集 在搜索Alpha Numeric手写数据集时,我遇到了HASYv2数据集,但它也包含许多其他类。所以我过滤了数据集,它现在只包含字母数字手...Computer Science,Programming Classification
4.59M 378
日语手写数字 (JHD) Computer Science,Image Data,Multiclass Classification Classification
4.16M 267
手写名称 Others Classification
8.97M 218
马拉雅拉姆手写字符 Literature Classification
1303.9M 716
手写的滕瓦尔信件 Others Classification
0.09M 245
手写测试 Others Classification
121.97M 555
孟加拉语手写字符数据集 Image Data,Deep Learning,Computer Vision,Linguistics Classification
0M 463
阿拉伯手写数字 Please visit the official website of this dataset for details...OCR/Text Detection Text
0M 549