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Weizmann Dataset 人体行为动作形状的数据集 概述:2005年,以色列 Weizmann institute 发布了Weizmann 数据库。数据库包含了 10个动作(bend, jack, jump, pjump, run,side,...Action/Event Detection Classification
336.6M 962
石器形状数据集 用于研究人类文明技术进步 Owner: Thomas WeberLandesamt f??r Denkmalpflege und Arch?¤ologie Sachsen-AnhaltRichard-Wagner-Str. 906114 Halle/Germany...N/A Classification
3.4K 794
能源效率数据集,12种不同建筑物形状进行能量分析 Data Set Information:We perform energy analysis using 12 different building shapes simulated in Ecotect. The buildings d...Computer Classification
74.4K 603
形状(正方形和三角形),一组用于学习分类器图像的形状数据集 Code UsageYou can create or generate your own shapes withpython3createshape.pyand you can convert those images dataset t...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming Classification
4.17M 838
美国各州-地图边界形状数据集 ContextThe cartographic boundary files are simplified representations of selected geographic areas from the Census...Social Science Classification
8.11M 621
国家形状文件数据(RDS格式),可直接用于利用 shapefile 和边界的空间分析 ContextRDS shapefiles from GADM can be used in spatial statistical analyses. With shapefiles one can make use of existin...Geospatial Analysis,Global,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
26.89M 484
ShaCo:形状计算 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Software,Image Data,Regression Classification
1454.55M 341
形状 形状库...Common Classification
455M 614
纽约区形状 Computer Science,Programming Classification
2.67M 582
纽约形状文件 16 Social Science Classification
3.37M 249
美国州形状 Government Classification
22.28M 247
DSFG - CPE - ACS 形状文件 Computer Science,Programming Classification
3.47M 240
10.65M 257
几何形状数据集,用手机摄像头拍摄的3个几何形状 几何形状数据集,用手机摄像头拍摄的3个几何形状...Classification,Education Classification
261.3M 272
简单形状 Earth and Nature,Universities and Colleges,Computer Vision Classification
0.11M 222
纽约人口普查区形状文件 Social Science Classification
7.42M 191
数据和形状 Others Classification
258.96M 206
国家形状文件 Geography Classification
8.72M 199
形状预测器 68 面地标 Others Classification
95.08M 176
纽约形状文件 Social Science Classification
13.32M 189