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水下图像同时增和超分辨率(SESR)的数据集 Dataset for Simultaneous Enhancement and Super-Resolution (SESR) of underwater imagery.Introduced in thispaper: http://w...Environment Classification
0M 1037
魔术伽马望远镜数据集,光子与高层大气中宇宙射线引发的子簇射图像 Data Set Information:这些数据是MC生成的(见下文),用成像技术模拟地面大气切伦科夫伽马望远镜中高能伽马粒子的注册。切伦科...Physical Classification
604K 715
来自WiFiRSSI、蓝牙和磁计数据集的混合室内定位数据集 Zsolt Tóth University of Miskolc tothzs '@' iit.uni-miskolc.huJudit Tamás University of Miskolc tamas13 '@...Computer Classification
711K 936
混凝土抗压度数据集,用于工程建造 Data Set Information:Number of instances 1030Number of Attributes9Attribute breakdown8 quantitative input variables, and...Physical Regression
33K 964
财富全球500企业数据集 ContextThis is a briefing of fortune global 500 giants, which attracts curiosity in the field of job hunting.ContentThis...Business Classification
17.5K 577
2017年美国《财富》500企业(最新) 描述1。公司名称-财富500强公司2的名称。员工人数-公司员工总数3。上一个排名-2016年排名4。收入-公司2016-2017年的收入(百万美...Business Classification
17K 560
加拿大啤酒100 Alcohol Classification
0.01M 482
财富1000(2018) Business,Finance,Religion and Belief Systems Classification
0.21M 461
唐纳德·特朗普福布斯400排名 Business,Finance Classification
0M 417
毒性 Public Safety,Public Health Classification
261.61M 431
6.03M 635
混凝土度降低特征数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.01M 605
福布斯2000 Business,News Classification
0.15M 219
力球抽签按顺序排列 Others Classification
0.01M 282
南非力球结果(彩票) Computer Science,Programming,Classification,Data Visualization Classification
0.1M 537
标普500前31个变量#x2B值 Business,Earth and Nature,Finance Classification
1.72M 207
D5 SHSAT Science and Technology Classification
0.02M 255
MNIST-增V1 Computer Science Classification
47.05M 245
重温具体度回归 Earth and Nature,Science and Technology,Linear Regression,Random Forest,Decision Tree,Urban Planning Classification
0.04M 598
QBI 图像增 Image Data Classification
5.97M 272