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地标性筑数据集 地标性建筑数据集...Arts and Entertainment Classification
33.36M 420
纽约市筑署 Others Classification
1557.66M 455
能源使用数据,不同筑中的能源使用情况以及不同方面对其的影响 能源使用数据,不同建筑中的能源使用情况以及不同方面对其的影响...Energy Classification
7.9M 732
Ternak Rumah poong Indonesia BPS 2008-2017 Architecture Classification
0M 464
数据集 Others Classification
451.1M 737
用于创播放列表的音频功能 Software,Music Classification
0.65M 368
筑物后部ML#6 Feature Engineering Classification
317.1M 422
用于姿态重的定位数据,五个人佩戴定位标签时的记录 These datums represent a multi-agent system for the care of elderly people living at home on their own, with the aim to...Action/Event Detection,Music,Biotechnology Classification
20.55M 485
猫与狗的重新组合转移特征,用预先训练的Keras CNN模型创的特征 Most machine learning courses start by implementing a fully-connected Deep Neural Network (DNN) and proceed towards Conv...Deep Learning,Earth and Nature,Image Data,Transfer Learning Classification
1.17G 497
泰坦尼克号模数据 Culture and Humanities Classification
0.07M 378
狗种分类器,用于构具有狗和人图像的狗应用程序的数据集 Dog-Breed classifier Dataset for building the Dog app having dog and human images...Animal,Deep Learning Classification
1.2G 640
图像定位数据集,这是为图像定位任务(单个对象)创的数据集 Including images and its corresponding .xml files. Before drawing bounding boxes, all images were resized to (227,227,3)...Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Food,Computer Vision,Multiclass Classification Classification
2.76M 417
0M 571
0.03M 423
使用 python D3 创拓扑图 Computer Science,Software,Programming Classification
0.4M 331
丘改 Business,Clothing and Accessories,Finance,Classification,Binary Classification,Categorical Data Classification
0.65M 258
丘改 Others Classification
0.65M 249
住房数据集问题 Beginner,Linear Regression,Housing Classification
0.03M 297
丘改 Others Classification
0.65M 605
丘改 Others Classification
0.65M 202