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工资与工作年限相对数据集 This is a simple data where I tried to explain simple linear regression in a simplest way. For the beginner who wan...Beginner,Linear Regression,Jobs and Career Classification
1K 493
需求-供 Business Classification
0.57M 286
OCP 和大麻变热编码 Others Classification
0.05M 280
多选择响 Others Classification
39.02M 278
吉安尼斯 vs 哈登: 谁该赢得 Mvp Sports,Basketball Classification
0.1M 336
植物病虫害数据集,用于从叶片分析植物的疾病 植物病虫害数据集,应用于从叶片分析植物的疾病The different versions of the dataset are present in the raw directory :colo...Others Classification
3.1G 802
1388.82M 530
合成语音命令数据集,“语音命令数据集 v0.01”的文本到语音对 ContextWe would like to have good open source speech recognitionCommercial companies try to solve a hard problem: map ar...Earth and Nature,Software,Languages Classification
2.5G 492
来自企业用程序的原始操作数据 Business,Earth and Nature,Software Classification
23493.3M 288
在推特上对钢铁侠 3 的公众反 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.58M 240
升级响和目标数据集 Business,Finance,Binary Classification Classification
4.47M 243
DonorsChoose.org用程序筛选 Animal Classification
581.44M 232
2017 年 Android 良性用的静态分析 Computer Science,Health,Feature Engineering Classification
442.75M 419
货币供M2 金砖四国经济体 Business,Finance,Economics Classification
0.02M 217
链发货定价数据 Business,Transportation,Investing,Economics,Manufacturing Classification
3.64M 218
2017 年 Android 良性用程序的动态分析 Computer Science,Mobile and Wireless,Feature Engineering Classification
1290.98M 225
TWiki 用程序日志 Business Classification
0.7M 228
用程序模型 Others Classification
230.06M 247
从探测器响识别粒子 Earth and Nature,Physics Classification
217.37M 201
keras用重量 Earth and Nature Classification
1116.14M 218