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IIIT 5K word数据集,包含广告牌、招牌、门牌号、门牌、电影海报等查询词 The IIIT 5K-word dataset is harvested from Google image search. Query words like billboards, signboard, house numbers, h...NLP Classification
101M 796
ADS-16计算广告数据集,由120位不熟悉的人投票选出的300个真实广告集合 In the last decade, new ways of shopping online have increased the possibility of buying products and services more easi...Business,Marketing Classification
1.5G 765
Internet广告数据集,预测图像是否为广告或非广告 Data Set Information:This dataset represents a set of possible advertisements on Internet pages. The features encode the...Computer Classification
264K 558
NTSB事故报告 ntsb-accident-reports的数据集数据结构:Text-data.json...News Classification
20.18M 438
广告和预测销售 广告和预测销售的数据集数据结构为:Advertising.csv...Business Classification
2.33K 764
广告和销售 广告和销售的数据集数据结构为:Advertising.csv...Business Classification
2K 817
社交网络的广告 社交网络的广告的数据集数据结构为:Social_Network_Ads.csv...Others Classification
3K 430
玩转文字分类广告,文本分类广告的分类数据集 ContextWe need to categorize ads automatically sinse many times it is not provided by external data sources.Contentcatid...Business,Real Estate Classification
250.73M 634
2010-2017年剑桥撞车数据 News Classification
3.12M 471
喷泉 News Classification
0M 431
0.3M 404
哈萨克斯坦近6000个广告的雇佣者数据集 ContextEmployment dataset of Kazakshtan, parsed in local cite Content5 columnsInspirationI want to see some statistics a...Business,Computer Science,Programming,Employment Classification
0.7M 515
81.2M 520
广告数据 Business Classification
5K 602
TamilNews-7M News Classification
1938.41M 375
津巴布韦标准新闻标题和预告(NLP) News,Linguistics Classification
0M 419
广告牌上的200个声学数据 Music Classification
117.35M 372
WSDM假新闻分类数据集 WSDM假新闻分类数据集...NLP,News Classification
283.1M 734
谁开始,谁揭穿谣言 News,Linguistics Classification
9.17M 405
广告 Business Classification
0.1M 319