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环法自行车赛均速度, 1903 - 2018 Exercise,Sports,History,Cycling Classification
0M 427
0.02M 647
季度均公寓租金 Others Classification
2K 258
JRC 水生产力(LUISA 台 REF2014) Business,Europe Classification
0.04M 221
JRC 耗水量(LUISA 台 REF2014) Business,Earth and Nature,Europe Classification
0.04M 230
JRC 城市比例 (路易莎台 REF2014) Social Science,Europe Classification
0.06M 574
0.04M 360
csv Others Classification
650.79M 214
华沙股票 Exchage - 移动均线 Business,Finance,Automobiles and Vehicles,Investing,Economics Classification
192.56M 562
大气中的气体水、灰尘水和温度的自然变化数据集 Contains Vostok Ice Core Data for 420,000 Years. The data covers the last 4 ice age cycles. Data can be used to study na...Atmospheric Science Classification
164K 387
卫星图像中的 Business,Transportation Classification
389.29M 223
使用威伯台 8 周 49 个用户 Online Communities Classification
0M 189
面数据 Others Classification
0.41M 535
0.01M 570
纽约中学均班级规模 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
1.88M 245
均油耗 Ratings and Reviews Classification
0M 270
面 utils0 py Others Classification
2K 211
按州和学生身份的均年龄 Education,United States Classification
0.01M 360
贫困与公数据库 Finance,Income,International Relations Classification
6.67M 233
0M 219