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NBA球员工资数据集(2017 - 2018) 这个数据集非常简单,只包括球员姓名、球队和工资金额的信息。我希望看到有趣的分析,不仅使用这个数据集,也使用其他外部数据集...Arts and Entertainment,Sports,Basketball,United States Classification
0.02M 631
工资数据集 工资数据集...Economics Classification
0.06M 886
足球运动员的工资数据 ContentThis dataset contains salaries of 5.5k footbal players including next columns:positionplayerteamagetotal_valueavg...Sports,Football Classification
0.4M 479
NBA球员工资(1990-2017) Basketball Classification
0.57M 477
BC Hydro 2016年工资 Business,Government,Jobs and Career,Income Classification
0.31M 396
2018年芝加哥员工工资 Finance,Economics,Cities and Urban Areas,Employment Classification
2.2M 375
线性回归(工资Vs经验) Others Classification
4K 479
圣卡塔琳娜公共工作者的7月工资 Social Issues and Advocacy,Jobs and Career Classification
13.4M 365
美国成人工资,美国成人工资数据 美国成人工资,美国成人工资数据...Jobs and Career Classification
5.7M 384
工资数据 Business Classification
0M 287
工资估算 Business,Social Issues and Advocacy,Public Safety,Public Health,Income Classification
59.95M 323
NBA 球员工资数据 2002/03 - 2017/18 Sports,Basketball Classification
0.32M 585
工资与工作年限相对应数据集 This is a simple data where I tried to explain simple linear regression in a simplest way. For the beginner who wan...Beginner,Linear Regression,Jobs and Career Classification
1K 493
调查:学生工资预期 Business,Education,Demographics Classification
0M 604
弗雷明厄姆工资收入 Economics,Government Classification
12.93M 268
员工工资数据集 Others Classification
0.02M 249
法官工资 TJDF dec2017 巴西 Others Classification
0.87M 315
H1B技术公司雇佣日工资 Others Classification
0.75M 611
爱荷华州工资 #数据集此数据集由yechiel amsalem#内容创建。它包含以下文件:...Jobs and Career Classification
16.7M 285
工资支架百分比表与出售 Business,Finance,Economics Classification
0.06M 576