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USPTO算法挑战赛,由美国宇航局哈佛竞赛实验室和TopCoder问题:Pat数据集运行 -- Creator: TopCoder, Inc.-- Released under Apache License, Version 2.0 Classification
135.92M 801
Nomao实验室数据集 (a) Original owner of database (name / phone / snail address / email address)Nomao / 00 33 5 62 48 33 90 / 1 avenue Jean...Computer Classification
1.6M 602
物理实验室 Education,Physics Classification
0.04M 447
hdda第一实验室 Others Classification
1.76M 792
宾州岩石力学实验室 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming,Universities and Colleges,Signal Processing Classification
11322.8M 388
eval实验室 Others Classification
0.61M 419
清理的实验室数据 Business Classification
0M 251
数据实验室4 Others Classification
0.06M 256
实验室 2 的数据 Others Classification
0.02M 238
实验室 3 - pk.鲁登 Arts and Entertainment Classification
1.14M 247
BBK 深度学习实验室训练重量 Earth and Nature Classification
2.53M 221
BBK 实验室模型 Earth and Nature Classification
7.52M 490
图加斯实验室4-森蒂门 Others Classification
0.78M 289
深度实验室存储库 Arts and Entertainment Classification
73.37M 477
数据实验室6 Others Classification
0.39M 509
dm 2018fall 实验室 2 Nthu Others Classification
0.92M 266
泰坦尼克号实验室 3 Others Classification
0.12M 492
MNIST 图像 ANN 实验室 4 Image Data Classification
14.97M 339
数据实验室 1 Business Classification
0.03M 205
NLP SDS实验室V Earth and Nature Classification
0.14M 210