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JRC Names 实体专有名词库 JRC-Names是一个高度多语言的命名实体资源,用于个人和组织名称(称为“实体”)。它包含大量名称列表及其多种拼写变体(单个人...NLP Text
762.56M 1697
百度实体标注数据集 一个大规模的中文短文本语料库,用于实体识别和链接任务。BEL包含100K注释的短文本,以及对应于百度知识库中的实体的提及和链接...NLP,MNIST Classification
381.4M 644
实体和关系词标注数据集 实体和关系词标注数据集...MNIST Classification
275M 626
实体专有名词数据集 MNIST Classification
756M 1056
DBPedia与实体关系的葡萄牙语 DBPedia with Entity Relations in Portuguese...Business Classification
31.93M 440
用于命名实体识别的标注语料库,使用BIO和POS标签注释的语料库 Annotated (BIO) Corpus for Named Entity RecognitionThis corpus is made up of texts of news sites and built specifically...Business,Arts and Entertainment,Literature,Languages Classification
2.21M 650
迈尔斯·戴维斯自传实体 Business Classification
2.12M 381
命名实体识别(NER)从临床提取感兴趣的实体(例如,疾病名称、药物名称 Problem StatementClinical studies often require detailed patients’ information documented in clinical narratives. Named...NLP,Health,Health Conditions,Model Comparison,Statistical Analysis,Artificial Intelligence Classification
249.01M 473
CoNLL003 命名实体识别(NER)问题的注释数据集 This is an annotated dataset for Named Entity Recognition (NER) problemContentThis dataset is divided into train.txt, te...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Text Data,Games,Text Mining Classification
4.63M 625
名称实体识别数据集 Earth and Nature,Health Classification
248.61M 595
注释的命名实体识别数据集,用于预测化学实体的命名实体识别数据集 This corpus is divided into training, validation and evaluation. All of them contains tokens extracted using ChemTok app...Business Classification
39.48M 923
德语新闻中命名的实体 Business,News Classification
49.1M 229
谷歌自由基地实体矢量 Software Classification
5442.16M 276
名称实体识别数据集 The label annotation mistakes by human annotators brings up two challenges to NER:mistakes in the test set can interfere...NLP Classification
5.64M 294
意向和实体的NLP基准数据 NLP,Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence Classification
4.47M 285
NER简历实体 Business,Earth and Nature,Biology,NLP,Text Data,Linguistics Classification
1.16M 307
预测Reddit社区参与度数据集,GDELT帖子分类以及Sirocco文本分析(意见和实体提取) 该数据集包含3个月(2017年6月至8月)的Reddit新闻帖子,以及GDELT帖子分类以及Sirocco文本分析(意见和实体提取)的结果。它用...NLP,Computer Science,Online Communities Classification
174.09M 458
新闻中的国语实体,来自当地新闻的国语实体 PRN - person, group of people, believes, etcLOC - locationNORP - Military, police, government, Parties, etcORG - Organiz...NLP,News,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
411K 619
实体提取从Pitchfork评论 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Music,Retail and Shopping,NLP,Popular Culture Classification
14.49M 692