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Non-Invasive Multimodal Foetal ECG-Doppler Dataset The development of algorithms for the extractionof the foetal ECG (fECG) from non-invasive recordingsis hampered by the...Medical 2D Box,Classification
792.9M 936
MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database Since 1975, our laboratories at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital (now the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) and at MIT...Medical Classification
73.5M 1168
MIT-BIH Atrial Fibrillation Database This database includes 25 long-term ECG recordings of human subjects with atrial fibrillation (mostly paroxysmal).Data D...Medical 2D Box,Classification
440M 678
MIMIC-III Clinical Database MIMIC-IIIis a large, freely-available database comprising deidentified health-related data associated with over 40,000 p...Medical Classification
21.6M 802
Interactive Medical Image Sequence Segmentation Fig. 1. Selected results of liver tumor segmentation in CT image slices.Segmenting organisms or tumors from medical data...X-Ray 3D Model
13.13M 963
PanNuke Semi automatically generated nuclei instance segmentation and classification dataset with exhaustivenuclei labels across...Medical Classification
1.93G 642
COVID-CT The COVID-CT-Dataset has 349 CT images containing clinical findings of COVID-19 from 216 patients.They are in ./Images-p...Medical Classification
370.82M 442
WBC Image Dataset 1 This is two datasets of white blood cell (WBC) images used for “Fast and Robust Segmentationof White Blood Cell Images...Medical 2D Semantic Segmentation
6.66M 636
COVIDx We introduce COVIDx, an open access benchmark dataset that we generated comprising of 13,975CXR images across 13,870 pat...Medical Classification
5.46M 522
YouTube垃圾邮件收集数据集 This corpus has been collected using the YouTube Data API v3.Data Set Information:The table below lists the datasets, th...Computer Classification
160M 818
普渡大UNIX命令历史记录数据集 Terran Lane:terran '@' ecn.purdue.eduData Set Information:This file contains 9 sets of sanitized user data drawn...Computer N/A
161K 720
德黑兰大问题数据集2016(UTQD.2016)数据集 Mohammad Razzaghnoori/Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, College of Science, University of Tehran/m....N/A Classification
107K 868
基础信息数据集 Original Owner: unknownDonor: Steve Souders souders '@' ads.comData Set Information:Format: Each observation con...N/A Classification
16K 882
超声波流量计诊断数据集 Kojo Sarfo GyamfiCoventry University, UKgyamfik '@' MarshallNational Engineering Laborat...Computer Classification
74.8K 1210
胸外科数据集 Creators: Marek Lubicz (1), Konrad Pawelczyk (2), Adam Rzechonek (2), Jerzy Kolodziej (2) -- (1) Wroclaw University of T...Life Classification
23.7K 728
助理评估数据集 Collector: Wei-Yin Loh (Department of Statistics, UW-Madison)Donor:Tjen-Sien Lim (limt '@' Se...N/A Classification
1K 852
群体行为数据集 Dr Shadi Abpeikar- s.abpeikar '@', University of New South Wales, Australia. A/Prof Kathryn Kasmarik...Computer Classification
213M 844
生贷款关系数据集 Donor: Michael J. Pazzani University of California, IrvineIrvine, CA USAData Set Information:The predicate no_payment_du...Social N/A
14K 845
石器形状数据集 用于研究人类文明技术进步 Owner: Thomas WeberLandesamt f??r Denkmalpflege und Arch?¤ologie Sachsen-AnhaltRichard-Wagner-Str. 906114 Halle/Germany...N/A Classification
3.4K 933
Statlog项目数据集 Various Databases: Vehicle silhouttes, Landsat Sattelite, Shuttle, Australian Credit Approval, Heart Disease, Image Segmentation, German Credit...N/A N/A
0M 825