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学生贷款关系数据集 Donor: Michael J. Pazzani University of California, IrvineIrvine, CA USAData Set Information:The predicate no_payment_du...Social N/A
14K 475
学生的数学成绩数据 学生的数学成绩数据...Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
17.9K 295
IPE101学生评分 Business,Education Classification
0M 257
学生在考试中的评分 Business,Education,Standardized Testing,Data Visualization,Exploratory Data Analysis,Data Cleaning Classification
0M 260
学生课堂表现数据(评分) # 数据集此数据集由 Ssharma 创建数据库: 开放数据库,内容: 数据库内容 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Universities and Colleges Classification
5.6K 514
Python类的学生数据 Computer Science,Education,Programming Classification
0.07M 365
研究宿舍生活,学生对房东满意度的李克特量表数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Vinayak SableReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains t...Hotels and Accommodations Classification
1.33M 297
失业者、学生和数据科学家 Others Classification
1.33M 252
还清学生债务最好的地方 Lending Classification
0M 212
学生数据 Universities and Colleges Classification
0.04M 212
工程学院学生数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Mayur AkewarReleased under Data files ? Original Authors# ContentsIt contains the f...Earth and Nature,Education,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.07M 209
学生酒精消费 Universities and Colleges,Public Health,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.11M 190
测试数据 4 学生.csv Internet Classification
0.94M 168
开放大学学习分析数据集,课程、学生和评估数据 I am working on a Learning Analytics Program Evaluation Framework for a doctoral program that takes into account student...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education Classification
442.86M 255
调查:学生工资预期 Business,Education,Demographics Classification
0M 299
GCSE 考试成绩,预测学生成绩数据集 These are the previous GCSE examination grades for the last four years at an English Underperforming School. The idea is...Education,Standardized Testing,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
70K 259
结果学生实践 Computer Science,Education,Universities and Colleges Classification
0M 164
学生时间管理绩效数据集 Business,Education,Social Science,Universities and Colleges,Psychology Classification
0.02M 230
理想学生生活和关键因素调查的学生反馈数据 This dataset consists of Student Responses for the survey about Ideal Student Life and key factors that are important in...Exploratory Data Analysis,Education,Universities and Colleges,Survey Analysis Classification
1M 220
数据学生 Education Classification
13.22M 148