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LTFS 数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Chithirai Meenal# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
302.57M 398
BiLSTM神经网络数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Evgeny Kovalev# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Deep Learning Classification
4.66G 414
机器故障、错误等预测性维护数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by yuansaijie0604Released under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following...Others Classification
84.68M 336
NIPS 2017年:对抗性学习发展集 Computer Science,Sports,Artificial Intelligence,Martial Arts Classification
146.24M 316
0M 586
机器学习 Computer Science,Education Classification
0.07M 341
开放大学学习分析数据集,课程、学生和评估数据 I am working on a Learning Analytics Program Evaluation Framework for a doctoral program that takes into account student...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education Classification
442.86M 498
动手机学习手册 - 外壳数据集 Education,Social Science,Beginner,Housing Classification
1.36M 719
Tic-Tac-Toe 机器学习数据集 Earth and Nature,Games Classification
0.05M 387
黑客地球深度学习挑战 4 Earth and Nature,Education,Games Classification
1590.01M 508
你好世界深度学习 SIIM Health,Image Data,Computer Vision,Medicine Classification
13.49M 286
乐高学习一个玩具组装 Transfer Learning Classification
2142.24M 304
436.57M 670
泰坦尼克号:从灾难中机器学习 Deep Learning,Computer Science Classification
0.09M 309
数据科学伦敦#x2B; 科学学习 - 实践 Computer Science Classification
7.64M 262
BBK 深度学习实验室训练重量 Earth and Nature Classification
2.53M 246
零枪学习志江天池 Education Classification
1840.14M 275
第一次机器学习数据集检查 Computer Science Classification
0.02M 646
D:机器学习数据集 BITSUSed 汽车销售.csv Deep Learning,Computer Science Classification
0.09M 305
用于深度学习和甘的 Python 实用程序代码 Computer Science,Software,Programming Classification
0.01M 214