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伺服系统模拟数据集,包括伺服放器、电机、丝杠/螺母和某种滑动托架 Creator:Karl Ulrich (MIT)Donor: Ross QuinlanData Set Information:Ross Quinlan:This data was given to me by Karl Ulrich a...Computer Regression
2.39K 995
开放学学习分析数据集数据集,包括虚拟学习环境(VLE)的交互的数据 Data Set Information:开放大学学习分析数据集(OULAD)包含关于七门选定课程(称为模块)的课程、学生及其与虚拟学习环境(VLE...Computer Classification
44.6M 867
魔术伽马望远镜数据集,光子与高层气中宇宙射线引发的强子簇射图像 Data Set Information:这些数据是MC生成的(见下文),用成像技术模拟地面大气切伦科夫伽马望远镜中高能伽马粒子的注册。切伦科...Physical Classification
604K 702
26个写字母识别数据集 Data Set Information:The objective is to identify each of a large number of black-and-white rectangular pixel displays a...NLP Classification
366K 952
利亚法律案例,法律案例报告数据集 Filippo Galganigalganif '@' of Computer Science and EngineeringThe Univeristy of New South...Computer Classification
80.8M 612
拉斯维加斯道数据集 Data Set Information:All the 504 reviews were collected between January and August of 2015.Attribute Information:The dat...Business Classification
59.4K 532
芝加哥学比林斯医院乳腺癌手术患者存活的研究案例数据集 Data Set Information:该数据集包含来自芝加哥大学比林斯医院1958至1970年间进行的乳腺癌手术患者存活的研究案例。Attribute Inf...Life Classification
1K 758
土耳其西北地区燃气轮机CO和NOx排放数据集,可用于研究烟气排放 Data Set Information:The dataset contains 36733 instances of 11 sensor measures aggregated over one hour (by means of av...Computer Regression
1M 1279
用于家庭活动监测的气体传感器数据集 Data Set Information:This dataset has recordings of a gas sensor array composed of 8 MOX gas sensors, and a temperature...Environment Classification
27.7M 792
基于双盲听力测试和、四位专业师音乐家数据集 Name: Mehmet Vurka?§, Ph.D.E-mail address: mehmet.vurkac '@', mehmet.vurkac '@', engi...Music Analysis Classification
433K 553
Facebook页面网络数据集 Benedek Rozemberczkibenedek.rozemberczki '@' gmail.comThe University of EdinburghData Set Information:Node featu...Social Classification
1.7M 583
厄尔尼诺数据集,通过国际热带海洋全球气(TOGA)计划获得 Data Set Information:这些数据是通过国际热带海洋全球大气(TOGA)计划开发的热带大气-海洋(TAO)阵列收集的。TAO阵列由横跨赤...Environment Classification
2.68M 672
巴西型物流公司的真实数据库,每日预测订单数据集 Data Set Information:The database was collected during 60 days, this is a real database of a Brazilian company of large...Business Regression
5K 1032
冷冻治疗数据集 Data Set Information:Provide all relevant information about your data set.Attribute Information:Provide information abou...Life Classification
32.8K 696
气候模式模拟数据集,气候模型不确定性量化(UQ)集成期间遇到的模拟碰撞记录 该数据使用LLNL的UQ管道构建,由劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室根据合同DE-AC52-07NA27344在美国能源部的赞助下创建,由LLNL的不确...Physical Classification
244K 719
加拉加斯学医院 858名患者子宫颈癌危险因素数据集 Data Set Information:该数据集收集于委内瑞拉加拉加斯的“加拉加斯大学医院”。该数据集包括858名患者的人口统计信息、习惯和历...Medical,Life Classification
100K 976
CalIt2楼中人员流动计数数据集,用于楼安防 Data Set Information:Observations come from 2 data streams (people flow in and out of the building), over 15 weeks, 48 t...N/A N/A
164K 721
植物幼苗数据集,包含约960种独特植物的图像 The Plant Seedlings Dataset contains images of approximately 960 unique plants belonging to12 species at several growth...Agriculture Classification
3.22G 702
豆作物中杂草的检测数据集 From the set of images captured by the UAV, all those with occurrence of weeds were selectedresulting a total of 400 ima...Agriculture 2D Polygon
2.37G 810
卖场销售预测 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Debashish DalalReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: ? Original Authors...Business Classification
1.53M 507