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假新闻和真新闻数据集,对新闻进行分类 AcknowledgementsAhmed H, Traore I, Saad S. “Detecting opinion spams and fake news using text classification”, Journal...NLP,Earth and Nature,News Classification
110.98M 321
多语言灾难响应消息 Email and Messaging,NLP,Text Data,Natural Disasters Classification
6.87M 631
阿拉伯语Levantine仇恨语音检测 Social Networks,NLP Classification
0.69M 268
Gazeta摘要 俄罗斯新闻摘要数据集 文件的每一行都是一个JSON对象,包含5个字段:URL、标题、文本、摘要和日期。数据集由74126个示例组成。到目前为止,前60964个例...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Programming,News,Russia Classification
545.11M 274
美国COVID推特,美国疫情相关的特定关键词的推文 ContextDuring the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, social media exploded with content discussing the pandemic and other related i...NLP,Classification,Coronavirus,Text Data Classification
401.96M 298
Python中情感库的比较,分析Vader、Pattern和Stanford CoreNLP的总统演讲和推文 **Context**- These datasets were produced as part of a little research project I undertook for a blog post on sentiment...NLP,Computer Science,Programming,Social Science,Python,Retail and Shopping Classification
14.45M 566
阿拉伯 NLP,Text Mining Classification
0.06M 249
有毒评论检测多语言[扩展],Jigsaw有毒通信网络分类竞赛的补充 This is a compilation of all the toxic comment databases out there. I made this for ease of use during the Jigsaw Toxic...NLP,Deep Learning,Classification,Binary Classification Classification
117.55M 287
书评 Retail and Shopping,NLP,Literature Classification
1.2M 246
罗伯塔大 Computer Science,Education,NLP Classification
1361.18M 470
2561.54M 262
无壳贝特碱 NLP,Deep Learning,Languages,Transfer Learning Classification
420.29M 255
Chatbot的心理健康常见问题解答,获取所有心理健康相关问题的答案 ContentMental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health is integral to living a...NLP,Beginner,Text Data,Mental Health Classification
0.16M 349
分析与各种产品相关的情感 Earth and Nature,NLP,Classification Classification
1M 244
印度语停止词 Business,NLP,Text Data,India,Languages,Text Mining Classification
0.03M 617
喃喃说唱 Music,NLP Classification
0.42M 523
美国总统辩论2020 Politics,NLP,Text Data,United States,Text Mining Classification
0.11M 634
NER数据集 Earth and Nature,NLP,Beginner,Languages,LSTM,NLTK Classification
21.85M 495
伯特·蒂尼 NLP Classification
17.14M 472
TED终极数据集 NLP,Classification,Text Data,Recommender Systems Classification
544.94M 276