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Safebooru 's 369K 像标签列表 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities Classification
6.44M 180
因子分析,基于PCA的像分割方法 因子分析,基于PCA的图像分割方法...Business,Earth and Nature Classification
5.8K 571
示例 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
40.65M 167
登革热, 坦佩拉 e 丘瓦斯 em 坎皮纳斯 - SP Government,Public Health,Healthcare,Brazil Classification
0.01M 648
初始 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.15M 221
谷歌片识别教程 Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Image Data,Computer Vision,Feature Engineering Classification
2.37M 607
奥斯汀分区卫星 Image Data Classification
568.66M 216
弗利克像标题 Arts and Entertainment Classification
3.72M 175
策略像标题 Image Data Classification
0.09M 511
Cifar10 原始 Image Data Classification
129.38M 210
托尔 : 拉格纳罗克推特数据 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.58M 193
乐高套装 Movies and TV Shows,Games,Linear Regression Classification
17.81M 395
卫星像中的船舶数据集,使用Planet卫星像对旧金山湾的船只进行分类 卫星图像提供对各种市场的独特见解,包括农业、国防和情报、能源和金融。新的商业图像提供商,例如 Planet,每天都在使用小卫星...Business Classification
185M 431
伊西黑色素瘤摩尔 1k Image Data Classification
1453.56M 443
titu1994-神经像评估 Biology Classification
243.26M 255
突尼斯地 Others Classification
0.95M 517
西雅下雨了吗?(1948-2017) Arts and Entertainment,News,Weather and Climate,United States,North America Classification
0.73M 265
肺炎胸X射线像数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Partha Chakraborty# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Image Data,Medicine Classification
2.3G 489
奈克古格尔地 Others Classification
0.69M 255
西雅贸易许可证 Socrata,Government Classification
93.59M 186