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作专利分类(CPC)数据 Business,Law,Bigquery Classification
0M 420
Social Science,Government Classification
128.86M 643
高温 Arts and Entertainment,Chemistry Classification
0M 347
1946-2015年联国大会投票 Online Communities,Social Science,Politics,Government,International Relations Classification
35.87M 421
SIIM Others Classification
1.01M 926
专家赛马数据集(香港),香港赛马综数据集 This dataset is created for experts in machine learning who are eager to make money by wagering in the Hong Kong Jockey...Classification,Sports,Gambling Classification
58.05M 640
地震与股市综指数 News,Finance,Earth Science Classification
4.49M 309
国一般性辩论 Social Science,Music,Government,Linguistics,International Relations Classification
128.86M 319
猫与狗的重新组转移特征,用预先训练的Keras CNN模型创建的特征 Most machine learning courses start by implementing a fully-connected Deep Neural Network (DNN) and proceed towards Conv...Deep Learning,Earth and Nature,Image Data,Transfer Learning Classification
1.17G 497
医院综信息 Health,Public Health,Healthcare,Hospitals and Treatment Centers Classification
2.54M 396
斯诺普斯假法新闻 Others Classification
11.1M 749
国 HDI 数据集 Others Classification
0.01M 737
5.12M 660
2017年联国人非特派团及其组成部分 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.04M 432
美国特许商业银行综资产 Finance,Banking Classification
0.35M 686
数据驱动复 Business Classification
2183.24M 281
初学者的简单数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.05M 403
有限联移动性 Others Classification
0.01M 267
赏金公开 Others Classification
0.08M 265
1388.82M 530