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乳腺癌数据集 乳腺癌数据集...Others Classification
123K 635
你好世界深度学习 SIIM Health,Image Data,Computer Vision,Medicine Classification
13.49M 280
帕金森氏症#x27生物标志物 Neuroscience,Mental Health,Diseases Classification
0.19M 252
萨顿健康收费 (2019) Health,Healthcare Classification
24.59M 306
TB 数据集 Earth and Nature,Health,Movies and TV Shows Classification
508.3M 685
医疗保险熟练护理设施提供商报告 Health,Socrata Classification
30.68M 611
医疗保险D部分阿片类药物处方者摘要文件,探索来自CMS的公开数据 This is a dataset hosted by the Centers for MedicareMedicaid Services (CMS). The organization has an open data platform...Socrata,Drugs and Medications Classification
296.32M 413
安大略大学的汽车研究人员 Education,Health,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.22M 598
心血管疾病数据集,该数据集由70000条患者数据记录 Data descriptionThere are 3 types of input features:Objective: factual information;Examination: results of medical exami...Health,Heart Conditions Classification
2.87M 636
UCI乳腺癌威斯康星州(原件) # DatasetThis dataset was created by Shubham Biswas# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Cancer Classification
20K 301
乳腺癌分类数据集 乳腺癌分类数据集...Cancer Classification
123K 721
避孕方法选择 Health Classification
0.03M 630
人类发展报告 Health,Economics,Geospatial Analysis,Demographics,Human Rights Classification
4.5M 303
自闭症筛查 Education,Universities and Colleges,Healthcare Classification
0.06M 637
预期寿命(世卫组织) Health,Social Science,Data Cleaning,Global Classification
0.32M 623
纽约市农贸市场 Earth and Nature,Health,Retail and Shopping,Socrata Classification
0.24M 248
老年精神状态 Mental Health Classification
0M 413
洛根广场的紧急护理 Hospitals and Treatment Centers Classification
0.33M 265
NIH 胸部 X 光片 Computer Science,Health,Software,Biology,Health Conditions,Medicine Classification
42989M 299
医疗费用个人数据集 Education,Health,Finance,Insurance,Healthcare Classification
0.05M 467