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死亡金属乐队,含37723个频带 (MA for short) is an encyclopedia website which includes information of nearly all heavy bands and al...Social Science,Music Classification
70.82M 363
CSAI 语音助理数据集(含音频集标注数据) # DatasetThis dataset was created by Michael FekaduReleased under CC BY-SA 4.0# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Music Analysis Classification
21.77M 429
花卉图像数据集,含 102 张训练中的花卉图像 花卉图像该数据集包含102张鲜花图像的训练...Plant,Earth and Nature Classification
661M 721
植物疾病数据集,含苹果、西红柿等叶子等数据 植物疾病数据集,包含苹果、西红柿等叶子等数据...Biology Classification
1.6G 538
房价预测数据集(含训练和测试数据集) 房价预测数据集(包含训练和测试数据集)...Business Classification
890K 755
公共内核中使用的 Computer Science Classification
0.61M 208
牛津-IIIT宠物数据集,含37个类别的宠物数据集 The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset is a 37 category pet dataset with roughly 200 images for each class created by the Visual Ge...Classification,Image Data,Multiclass Classification,Animals Classification
755.83M 1042
134.5M 611
西瓜数据集(含色泽、根蒂、敲声、纹理、脐部、触感等) 西瓜数据集(包含色泽、根蒂、敲声、纹理、脐部、触感等)...Earth and Nature Classification
3K 535
神奇宝贝数据(括第七代) Arts and Entertainment,Games,Video Games,Anime and Manga,Popular Culture Classification
0.07M 515
快速文本英语单词矢量(括子单词) Universities and Colleges Classification
2756.53M 233
IBM HR 含更多行 Others Classification
4.17M 211
谷歌Word2Vec模型,括 300 万个单词和短语的词汇表的单词向量 It’s 1.5GB! It includes word vectors for a vocabulary of 3 million words and phrases that they trained on roughly 100 b...Computer Science,Programming Classification
3.64G 366
twitters中比特币数据集,含XBT、比特币、BTC的推文 Streamed from twitters API, Collecting Tweets containing XBT, Bitcoin, BTCContentDateTime UsernameTextPolaritySensitivit...Earth and Nature,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
331.49M 416
70.48M 342
32.47M 591
含奥运奖牌分布数据。 Others Classification
2.86M 189
16.86M 198
德国情绪分析工具 Linguistics,Languages,Europe Classification
0.42M 624
卡车面屑信息 上下文每个数据集背后都有一个故事,这是您分享自己的机会。所容纳之物里面不仅仅是行和列。通过描述您如何获取数据以及数据所代...Others Classification
941K 212