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重新安排猫狗测试数据集 Education Classification
272.34M 624
猫狗训练重新排列数据集 猫狗训练重新排列数据集...Animal Classification
1.07G 583
鸟Dataset2 # Dataset 这个数据集是由 georg 创建的根据 Reddit API 条款发布 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Animal,Animals Classification
799M 932
鸟类数据集 鸟的数据集...Animal Classification
253.4M 604
Pytorch的狗vs猫图像数据集 Pytorch的狗vs猫图像数据集...Animal Classification
1.1G 1098
猫狗数据集 猫狗数据集...Animal Classification
110.74M 1049
NNDSS-狂犬病,动物风疹,先天性 Health,Socrata Classification
1.55M 840
NNDSS-从腮腺炎到狂犬病,动物 Health,Socrata Classification
2.43M 494
猫和狗数据集,包含训练数据、验证数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by birajsth# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Animal Classification
131M 608
博物馆、水族馆和动物 The museum dataset is an evolving list of museums and related organizations in the United States. The data file includes...Animals,Museums Classification
6.5M 665
猫和狗图像样本数据集 猫和狗图像样本数据集...Animal Classification
547.2M 971
天气动物运动 Others Classification
0.01M 837
蜜蜂图像数据集,注释的蜜蜂图像;带有位置、日期、健康和更多标签的蜜蜂 Every third bite of food relies on pollination by bees. At the same time, this past winter honeybee hive losses have exc...Agriculture,Image Data,Biology,Animals,Environment Classification
52.2M 690
猫与狗的重新组合转移特征,用预先训练的Keras CNN模型创建的特征 Most machine learning courses start by implementing a fully-connected Deep Neural Network (DNN) and proceed towards Conv...Deep Learning,Earth and Nature,Image Data,Transfer Learning Classification
1.17G 557
狗种分类器,用于构建具有狗和人图像的狗应用程序的数据集 Dog-Breed classifier Dataset for building the Dog app having dog and human images...Animal,Deep Learning Classification
1.2G 695
熊猫 # 数据集这个数据集是由 Johannes Lochter 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Animal Classification
0.05M 499
蜜蜂位置 Arts and Entertainment,Biology,Image Data Classification
9453.92M 484
功夫熊猫 Movies and TV Shows,Video Games,Comics and Animation Classification
0.16M 514
猫狗对比的数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Vikas Kamath MReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following...Animal Classification
586.98M 536
猫非猫 Animal Classification
0.02M 898