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英国160万起交通事故,可视化和分析交通统计数据 The UK government amassed traffic data from 2000 and 2016, recording over 1.6 million accidents in the process and makin...Social Science,Automobiles and Vehicles,Law Classification
621.26M 417
埃博拉分析 Others Classification
0.03M 260
葡萄牙语推文的情绪分析 Social Networks,Classification,Linguistics Classification
360.46M 255
开放大学学习分析数据集,课程、学生和评估数据 I am working on a Learning Analytics Program Evaluation Framework for a doctoral program that takes into account student...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education Classification
442.86M 396
自杀分析 Demographics Classification
2.28M 277
USFS 森林库存和分析 (FIA) 计划 Government,Environment,Forestry Classification
0M 299
单反的回归与度分析 Earth and Nature,Computer Science Classification
0M 212
谷歌分析客户收入清理 Business Classification
68.03M 207
脂肪分析报告系统 Others Classification
55.87M 527
18.31M 283
泰坦尼克号分析 History Classification
0.42M 276
植物病虫害数据集,应用于从叶片分析植物的疾病 植物病虫害数据集,应用于从叶片分析植物的疾病The different versions of the dataset are present in the raw directory :colo...Others Classification
3.1G 741
投资分析 Investing Classification
19.87M 185
用于分析的神奇宝贝数据集 Others Classification
0.04M 188
客户客户流失预测分析 Others Classification
25.87M 539
损耗率分析 Business Classification
0.22M 180
推特情绪分析 Social Networks,Email and Messaging Classification
8.26M 224
住房价格-回归分析数据 住房价格-回归分析数据...Real Estate Classification
934K 405
马铃薯定价数据集,马铃薯定价的分析 马铃薯定价数据集,马铃薯定价的分析...Business,Food Classification
3.67M 331
创意分析计量 Business,Beginner Classification
0M 185