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LabelMe语义分割数据集 数据集包括用于训练的100张图像和用于测试的845张图像(详细信息请参阅 train.txt 和 test.txt )。标签的颜色代码为(R:G:B)...Action/Event Detection Classification
103M 824
Shitflow语义分割数据集 Action/Event Detection Classification
132M 725
人体行为片段/分割数据集(HACS) 用于识别和时间定位的人类动作片段和片段数据集数据包含504K视频中的155万个片段,50K视频中的14万个片段...Action/Event Detection Classification
15.4M 757
ADE20K语义理解场景解析数据集 可用于场景感知、解析、分割、多物体识别 ADE20K 数据集是用来做场景解析的一个非常大的数据集,包含 150 种物体类型,于 2017 年由 MIT CSAIL 研究组(麻省理工学院 CSAI...Action/Event Detection Classification
3.76G 803
LIP-专注于对人的语义分割的数据集 Look into Person (LIP) is a new large-scale dataset, focus on semantic understanding of person.Following are the detaile...Person 2D Semantic Segmentation,2D Keypoints
3.47G 5644
皮肤分割数据集 Rajen Bhatt, Abhinav Dhall, rajen.bhatt '@', IIT Delhi.Data Set Information:The skin dataset is collec...Computer Classification
3.24M 1126
报纸和杂志图像分割数据集 Creators: Aleksey Vilkin and Ilia Safonov, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia, Date: 2012Data Set Information:该数据集用于文本、...Computer Classification
391M 586
报刊图像分割数据集 This dataset comprises records of 150 subjects (all male employees in Iran have visited the Abadan Occupational (Industrial) Medicine Clinic) and 52 features....Life Classification
0M 586
手势相位分割数据集,从7个手势视频中提取的特征组成 Data Set Information:该数据集由从7个手势视频中提取的特征组成,旨在研究手势相位分割。每个视频由两个文件表示:一个原始文件...Person,Action/Event Detection Classification
1.9M 556
显微镜下细胞图像中的细胞核分割数据,用于获得DSB 2018第10名的分割数据集的集合 ContentA collection of datasets converted into COCO segmentation format.Preprocessing:Resized few imagesTiled some image...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Biology,Travel Classification
336.32M 836
pecha线分割 Others Classification
706.95M 391
ATIS数据集清洁重新点燃,ATIS数据集的清理和平衡分割 ATIS DataSetThe ATIS dataset is a standard benchmark dataset widely used as an intent classification and slot filling ta...NLP,Classification,Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Health Classification
1.02M 503
电子显微镜三维分割,EPFL CVLab 数据集 The dataset available for download on this webpage represents a 5x5x5µm section taken from the CA1 hippocampus region o...Earth and Nature,Neuroscience Classification
495.6M 516
torchvision参考分割 Others Classification
0.02M 555
siim acr气胸分割数据集,完整数据集(DICOM + PNG + 标签) Data structuresinput/traininput/test : contains DICOM filesinput/train.imagesinput/test/images : contains .png imagestra...Medical,Health 2D Box,Classification
7.89G 710
人类分割 Computer Science,Programming Classification
1702.48M 282
语义分割数据集 语义分割数据集...Earth and Nature Classification
31K 316
因子分析,基于PCA的图像分割方法 因子分析,基于PCA的图像分割方法...Business,Earth and Nature Classification
5.8K 606
自驾汽车语义分割 Earth and Nature,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
2616.78M 585
OCT 图像的分割 (DME) Health,Image Data,Eyes and Vision,Medicine Classification
194.25M 382