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Transparent Objects Please visit the official website of this dataset for details...NLP Classification
0M 424
Synthinel Others 2D Polygon
0 421
Synthia Others 2D Polygon
0 423
DAGM 2007 competition Others 2D Polygon
0 339
WebLogo 2M Others 2D Box
0 583
SVD Others Classification
0 730
Cross-domain Object Others 2D Box
0 399
KMNIST Others Classification
0 438
NoW Others Classification
0 786
OpenNEURO Others Classification
0 428
ERA Others Classification
0 770
REDS Others Classification
0 893
ImageNet-A Please visit the official website of this dataset for details...Others Classification
0M 435
WSVD Others Optical Flow,Others
0 489
MVC Others Classification
0 453
UAV-GESTURE Others Classification
0 449
AMASS Please visit the official website of this dataset for details...Others Classification
0M 855
IMDb-Face Others 2D Box,Classification
0 445
RoadText-1K Others 2D Box Tracking
0 524
FRSign Others 2D Box,Classification
0 423