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运行活动 Business,Sports,Weather and Climate,Running Classification
37.15M 717
房数据集 Business Classification
0.03M 530
新闻和博客数据抓取 Internet,News,Linguistics Classification
458.51M 418
Admob的数据集 Business Classification
0.02M 500
基本收入调查 - 2016年欧洲数据集 Dalia Research conducted the first representative poll on basic income across Europe in the Spring of 2016. The results,...Business,Income Classification
3.44M 597
培训 Business,Education Classification
0.26M 435
开放数据500家公司 Business Classification
0.08M 778
埃隆·马斯克的推文,2010年到2017年 Internet,News,Celebrities Classification
0.38M 412
网上招聘信息,2004年至2015年19,000个在线职位的数据集 Job Posts datasetThe dataset consists of 19,000 job postings that were posted through the Armenian human resource portal...Business,Employment Classification
92.31M 574
类型分配代码(TAC) Mobile and Wireless Classification
5.69M 518
全球社会调查项目:1948-2014年 Business,History,Research,International Relations Classification
3.22M 832
恶意和良性url,检测恶意 URL ContextThis dataset was created to tackle the problem of malicious URLs on the internet. ContentThe dataset was acquired...Binary Classification Classification
8.54M 817
情绪、衰老和情绪 Business,Linguistics Classification
39.29M 406
示例Whatsapp数据 Online Communities Classification
0.04M 636
航空公司的飞机,100多家航空公司及其机队细节数据 has a full database on airlines around the world and the airplanes that each owns and operates.This da...Business,Aviation Classification
102K 612
NYPD投诉数据Historic.csv Internet Classification
1961.65M 750
迈尔斯·戴维斯自传实体 Business Classification
2.12M 381
官方结果 Standardized Testing Classification
0M 901
学生在考试中的评分 Business,Education,Standardized Testing,Data Visualization,Exploratory Data Analysis,Data Cleaning Classification
0M 413
汽车价格 Ratings and Reviews Classification
0.03M 416