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汽车保险数据集 汽车保险数据集...Insurance Classification
69.85M 480
保险预测 Finance,Insurance,Beginner,Linear Regression Classification
0.01M 259
医疗保险数据 Health,Healthcare,Drugs and Medications,Bigquery Classification
0M 265
汽车保险 Insurance Classification
0.51M 250
3038M 247
旅游保险数据集,旅游保险的目标属性为索赔状态(是或否) A third-party travel insurance servicing company that is based in Singapore.The attributes:Target: Claim Status (Claim.S...Classification,Model Comparison,Insurance Classification
4.36M 442
正在维修车辆的保险索赔信息 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Insurance,Demographics Classification
2.35M 291
医疗保险熟练护理设施提供商报告 Health,Socrata Classification
30.68M 556
医疗保险D部分阿片类药物处方者摘要文件,探索来自CMS的公开数据 This is a dataset hosted by the Centers for MedicareMedicaid Services (CMS). The organization has an open data platform...Socrata,Drugs and Medications Classification
296.32M 368
1388.82M 479
健康保险成本预测 Health and Fitness Classification
0.05M 244
保险 Insurance Classification
0.15M 231
车辆保险客户数据 Business,Insurance Classification
1.52M 302
保险 - db Insurance Classification
0M 186
保险数据 Insurance Classification
0M 230
瑞典汽车保险 Finance,Insurance Classification
0.05M 553
美国健康保险 Health and Fitness Classification
0.96M 230
保险 Insurance Classification
0.55M 510
保险 Insurance Classification
0.55M 197
保险1 Others Classification
0.55M 481