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人口对犯罪的影响 Social Science,Crime Classification
0.02M 274
死亡金属乐队,包含37723个频带 (MA for short) is an encyclopedia website which includes information of nearly all heavy bands and al...Social Science,Music Classification
70.82M 364
人类发展指数 Social Science,Government Classification
0.01M 239
礼宾礼品 Politics,International Relations Classification
0.83M 581
波兰政治家演讲数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Pawe? AdamczakReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains...Person,Business Classification
944.87M 373
CVPR 2019 论文 计算机视觉和模式识别大数据 CVPR is the premier annual computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and sho...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education,Text Data Classification
3.24G 289
用于可视化的神圣文本 Religion and Belief Systems,Philosophy Classification
7.54M 289
世界人口 Social Science,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.27M 261
人口普查区得克萨斯州 - Social Science Classification
6.32M 245
美国人口普查:城市和地名 Social Science,United States Classification
1.1M 273
美国州形状 Government Classification
22.28M 248
人力资源消耗 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Neil M# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Person Classification
0.43M 294
人力资源员工保留 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Gummula SrikanthReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contain...Person Classification
0.54M 303
鲁克 (你没事吧? News,Social Networks Classification
6.94M 246
德瓦纳加里字符数据集大 Religion and Belief Systems Classification
53.5M 298
修正美国 Law,Politics,History Classification
5.17M 546
使用犯罪率数据的房屋价格指数 Social Science Classification
0.11M 248
詹姆斯·科米证词 Law,Politics,Government Classification
0.35M 290
护照电源 2018 Politics,Demographics Classification
0.2M 262
政府 Social Science Classification
2.66M 258