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SUN RGB-D:一个 RGB-D 解场景理解任务训练数据集 Although RGB-D sensors have enabled major breakthroughsfor several vision tasks, such as 3D reconstruction,we haven not...Image Search,Deep Learning Classification
6.6G 1116
NYSK数据集,用于文本挖掘任务中的主题提取、情绪分析 Data Set Information:Documents are first obtained via a Web search using AMIEI: an integrated platform for delivering en...NLP,Social Clustering
17.5M 559
AutoUniv数据集,用于分类任务的高级数据生成器 Data Set Information:The user first creates a classification model and then generates classified examples from it.To cre...N/A Classification
7.72M 684
WMT 09系统组合任务 Others Classification
130.3M 481
工人们在CrowdFlower任务中浏览网页 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Software,Websites Classification
10.26M 337
图像定位数据集,这是为图像定位任务(单个对象)创建的数据集 Including images and its corresponding .xml files. Before drawing bounding boxes, all images were resized to (227,227,3)...Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Food,Computer Vision,Multiclass Classification Classification
2.76M 350
对象检测任务的模型 Zoo 实用程序文件 Software,Transfer Learning Classification
0.22M 201
SpaceX 飞行任务,2006年至今 Business,Science and Technology Classification
0.01M 220
回归任务 2 Others Classification
0.01M 206
回归任务 1 Others Classification
0.01M 200
434.99M 212
登月任务 Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
0M 184
WMT 16翻译任务 Deep Learning,Computer Science Classification
10384.8M 218
WMT 18翻译任务 Deep Learning,Computer Science Classification
15743.1M 175
第一个任务 Others Classification
135.51M 211
用于Sarcasm检测的新闻标题数据集,用于讽刺和假新闻检测任务的高质量数据集 Past studies in Sarcasm Detection mostly make use of Twitter datasets collected using hashtag based supervision but such...NLP,Deep Learning,Classification,Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming Classification
11.13M 294
bAbI任务数据 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Education,Programming,NLP,Deep Learning Classification
148.24M 318
BioCreativeVI PM跟踪文档分类任务中的训练模型 The trained models in BioCreativeVI-PM-Track Document Triage Task....NLP Classification
2.16G 502
reddit自我发布分类任务,包含1000 多个精心挑选的类别 Welcome to the Reddit Self-Post Classification Task (RSPCT)!The aim of this dataset was to create an interesting, large...NLP,Classification,Computer Science,Multiclass Classification Classification
839.37M 285