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马铃薯定数据集,马铃薯定的分析 马铃薯定价数据集,马铃薯定价的分析...Business,Food Classification
3.67M 334
手机格分类数据集,划分手机格范围 Bob has started his own mobile company. He wants to give tough fight to big companies like Apple,Samsung etc.He does not...Business,Classification Classification
181K 469
格预测-提交 Others Classification
17.44M 226
特斯拉股票 Business,Finance,Automobiles and Vehicles,Investing,Economics,Beginner Classification
0.16M 445
爱荷华州房 House Classification
0.87M 239
加密货币历史 Finance,Investing,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,History Classification
1.78M 426
AMD 和谷歌股票 Business,News,Investing,History Classification
0.31M 250
中位上市格(1间卧室) Cities and Urban Areas Classification
0.05M 268
Keras波士顿住房数据集 Keras波士顿住房数据集...Social Science,Government Classification
56K 386
1654加密货币的格历史 Finance,Investing,Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
51.79M 171
美国加州房数据集 加州房价数据集...Real Estate,Social Issues and Advocacy Classification
1.36M 641
钻石格预测 Others Classification
3.17M 275
客户值分析数据集 客户价值分析数据集...Business Classification
425K 214
女#x27鞋 Others Classification
102.09M 199
加密货币 Internet,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Beginner Classification
0.2M 177
格预测 Others Classification
469.24M 228
卡格尔房 Computer Science Classification
0.44M 598
房屋格日志 Business,Real Estate,Housing Classification
0.69M 494
预测 Others Classification
0.69M 206
测试 Others Classification
14.37M 163