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测试用例数据集,软测试中使用的样本数据集的集合 There are lots of datasets available for different machine learning tasks like NLP, Computer vision etc. However I could...NLP,Deep Learning,Earth and Nature Classification
1.3M 339
GENIA生物医学事数据集 ContextBio-medical texts have a lot of information which can be used for developments in the medical field. Traditionall...NLP,Biology,Text Mining,Medicine Classification
2.67M 524
所有NeurIPS(NIPS)文 Computer Science,Sports,NLP,Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Neural Networks Classification
310.53M 206
电子邮文本分类 If you are working, then you are bound to face the problem of reading all the emails that are cluttered in your inbox. S...NLP,Business,Classification,Arts and Entertainment,News,Text Data Classification
18.22M 281
需求数据集 Business,Computer Science,Programming,NLP Classification
0.07M 339
BERT嵌入垃圾邮 Computer Science,Email and Messaging,NLP,Classification,Linguistics Classification
47.59M 262
黄嵌 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming,NLP Classification
121.59M 235
安然邮正文 Email and Messaging,NLP Classification
36.73M 275
一体化模型预测文 Software,Religion and Belief Systems,NLP Classification
13.67M 237
NLTK路透社新闻文,NLTK路透社语料库中的所有文 This dataset contains the ID, categories, and raw text from each file in NLTK's Reuters corpus.ContentEach file (row...NLP,Computer Science,News,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
3.3M 628
Strongbad邮 Business,NLP,Text Data Classification
0.11M 257
电子邮垃圾邮 ContextSome emails from [Spam Assassin][1] to create models that can differentiate between spam and ham (non - spam) ema...NLP,Classification,Software,Email and Messaging Classification
12.08M 266
SEERA软成本估算数据集 SEERA(苏丹软件工程)成本估算数据集:是技术和经济受限环境的数据集。这是从苏丹42个组织收集120个软件开发项目数据的结果。SE...Software Classification
2.51M 509