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StanfordExtra The StanfordExtra dataset contains 12k labelled instances of dogs in-the-wild with 2D keypointand segmentations.It relea...Others 2D Polygon,2D Keypoints
776.32M 563
8.3G 717
FLIC Others 2D Keypoints
1.38G 394
RGB-D Semantic Segmentation Others 3D Semantic Segmentation
353.88M 392
LibriSpeech ASR Others Audio
140.02G 379
XNLI Others Text
473.66M 379
Facial Keypoint Detection Others 2D Keypoints
77.11M 430
INRIA Copydays Others No Label
2.3G 757
Leeds Sports Pose Others 2D Keypoints
33.78M 520
C3 Others Text
3.09M 376
Chinese-Cloze-RC Others Text
67.13M 389
REAL3EXT Others Depth
426.83M 395
TrackingNet Others 2D Box Tracking
1.04T 660
YouTube Faces DB Others 2D Box,Classification
49G 811
NEAR Others Pose
170.7G 726
WFLW Others 2D Keypoints
724.18M 427
6.7M 391
DOTA Others Classification,2D Polygon
18.83G 432
The LJ Speech Others Text
2.56G 412
300-W Others 2D Keypoints
1.99G 395