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黑色星期购物数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Abhishek KumarReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following...Holidays and Cultural Events Classification
33.5M 648
马男波杰克(第一季到第季) Arts and Entertainment,Comics and Animation Classification
0M 359
梅赛德斯-奔驰美国汽车销售数据06/月- 09/三月 Business,Economics,Marketing Classification
0M 384
用于姿态重建的定位数据,个人佩戴定位标签时的记录 These datums represent a multi-agent system for the care of elderly people living at home on their own, with the aim to...Action/Event Detection,Music,Biotechnology Classification
20.55M 399
单身数据集 Business Classification
0.05M 273
八八月参议院民调数据集 Business,Government Classification
0.05M 309
古物法数据集 Business Classification
0.04M 294
三八酒精消费数据集,探索来自FiveThrityEight的数据 This folder contains the data behind the story Dear Mona Followup: Where Do People Drink The Most Beer, Wine And Sp...Business,Alcohol Classification
5K 459
航空安全数据集 Business,News Classification
0M 347
AHCA 民意调查数据集 Business Classification
0.01M 613
NBA 选秀 2015 数据集 Business,Basketball Classification
0.1M 231
NBA 卡梅洛数据集 Business,Basketball Classification
0M 306
谋杀 2016 数据集 Business Classification
0.01M 450
最常见名称数据集 Business Classification
8.42M 261
Mlb Elo 数据集 Business,News,Games,Baseball Classification
0M 225
MLB 全明星团队数据集 Business,Baseball Classification
0.4M 274
阳刚之气调查数据集 Business,Social Science Classification
2.26M 224
婚姻数据集 Business Classification
0.09M 249
男乘务员数据集 Business,Travel Classification
0.01M 446
狂人数据集 Business Classification
0.04M 249