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恶意评论分类标记数据集 恶意评论分类标记数据集...Common Classification
39.21M 563
丰田汽车的数据集 #数据集此数据集由kyunglim kwak创建,发布于数据库:Open Database,Contents:Database Contents#Contents下。它包含以下文件...Travel Classification
25K 541
客户订单数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by SaumyaAgarwal# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
0.56M 405
在印度废除推特 Online Communities Classification
2.64M 404
标签#veja推文 Internet,Online Communities Classification
0.13M 418
submission.csv Internet Classification
0.02M 379
google新闻数据 google新闻数据...Computer Classification
3.64G 625
Pitcfork评论 Ratings and Reviews Classification
75.02M 348
电子商务销售数据集 电子商务销售数据集...E-Commerce Services Classification
43.47M 596
垃圾邮件分类数据集 ContextWell,我是数据科学世界的初学者,并决定从事自然语言处理问题的研究。所以决定使用我自己的数据集收集垃圾短信。Content...Earth and Nature Classification
22.5K 574
也门的数据 Internet Classification
3.42M 363
旧金山311月通话指标 Internet Classification
0.01M 365
新闻和博客数据抓取 Internet,News,Linguistics Classification
458.51M 361
埃隆·马斯克的推文,2010年到2017年 Internet,News,Celebrities Classification
0.38M 360
类型分配代码(TAC) Mobile and Wireless Classification
5.69M 423
恶意和良性url,检测恶意 URL ContextThis dataset was created to tackle the problem of malicious URLs on the internet. ContentThe dataset was acquired...Binary Classification Classification
8.54M 738
示例Whatsapp数据 Online Communities Classification
0.04M 561
NYPD投诉数据Historic.csv Internet Classification
1961.65M 646
官方结果 Standardized Testing Classification
0M 793
汽车价格 Ratings and Reviews Classification
0.03M 356