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WSJ0 Hipster 城市噪音音频数据集 环境要包括餐馆、咖啡馆、酒吧和公园 WSJ0 Hipster环境混合(WHAM!)数据集将WSJ0-2mix数据集中的每两种扬声器混合与独特的噪声背景场景配对。我们还创建了WHAMR!,...Environment,Environment Audio
85G 1019
斯瓦希里语翻译语音转录和题(包含 10 个半小时语音数据集) 该项任务的输入数据是来自红十字会的灾难与威胁相关信息,其中包括疾病、人身伤害和自然灾害等主题。每个类别都提供了相关信息,...Video Data Audio
42.8G 652
NYSK数据集,用于文本挖掘任务中的题提取、情绪分析 Data Set Information:Documents are first obtained via a Web search using AMIEI: an integrated platform for delivering en...NLP,Social Clustering
17.5M 549
人道义计算数据集的多模态损伤识别 Data Set Information:从Instagram和Twitter等社交媒体帖子中检索到样本。Attribute Information:640x640 RGB images and r...Social Classification
1.1G 536
题建模 #数据集该数据集由Harshit Joshi#Contents创建,其中包含以下文件:...Psychology Classification
114.5M 904
酒的成分分析 #数据集此数据集由阿克兰在CC0:公共域#内容下发布创建。它包含以下文件:Version1(11.46 kB)calendar_view_weekWine.csv...Others Classification
4K 440
文书任水平(2000 -) Earth and Nature,Religion and Belief Systems,Environment,Feature Engineering,Pollution Classification
548.41M 378
顶点的 Others Classification
0.58M 744
SF要城市项目开发商备案 Business,Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
0.03M 333
电子元器件,包含要电气和电子元件和设备的数据集 Electronic Components and devices...Earth and Nature,Electronics Classification
136.6M 689
足球和篮球的场优势,来自全球88个联赛的9K+球队的客场表现 The data set includes information about different leagues in different sports (Basketball and Soccer) all around the wor...Sports,Football,Basketball Classification
0.79M 382
题 2 数据集 B Others Classification
567.71M 188
分组全球恐怖义数据 Arts and Entertainment Classification
179.37M 176
2010 2012 题清洁 Others Classification
546.45M 181
题建模霍尼韦尔玻璃门评论 Data Visualization,Text Mining,Data Cleaning Classification
0.58M 236
题2 Others Classification
996.47M 234
ted 谈话文件 Arts and Entertainment Classification
7.23M 146
Ted 会谈要 csv Others Classification
7.23M 266
Ted 会谈要 Csv Others Classification
7.23M 209
开放义者 Others Classification
2.22M 417