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有限边缘算力电路板缺陷检测图像数据集 有限边缘算力下电路板缺陷检测图像数据集...Industry 2D Box
1.52G 1326
NASA数据集,不同风洞速度和攻角不同尺寸的NACA0012翼型数据 Data Set Information:NASA数据集包括不同风洞速度和攻角下不同尺寸的NACA 0012翼型。翼型的跨度和观察者的位置在所有实验中都是...Physical Regression
58.6K 1808
动态混合气体数据集的气体传感器阵列 Data Set Information:该数据集包含从16个暴露于不同浓度水平的气体混合物中的化学传感器获取的时间序列。特别是,我们产生了两...Computer Classification
352M 1229
ucf101数据集 UCF-101 是从 YouTube 收集的具有 101 个动作类别的数据集,它是具有 50 个动作类别数据集 UCF-50 的扩展。UCF-10 数据集具有 10...Action/Event Detection Classification
30G 942
图像同时增强和超分辨率(SESR)的数据集 Dataset for Simultaneous Enhancement and Super-Resolution (SESR) of underwater imagery.Introduced in thispaper: http://w...Environment Classification
0M 1036
电子显微镜血小板图像分割数据集 来自Open-i的电子显微镜下血小板图像分割数据集...Image Search Classification
76.5G 1278
60.5M 772
自然环境鱼类标注数据集,该数据集包括鱼类、无脊椎动物和海床的图像 The labeled fishes in the wild image dataset is provided by NOAA Fisheries (National Marine Fisheries Service) to encour...Action/Event Detection Classification
423.78M 924
基于智能手机数据集的人类活动识别,六项行为数据(步行、上楼、楼、坐、站、躺) Data Set Information:实验是由30名年龄在19-48岁之间的志愿者进行的。每个人在腰部佩戴智能手机(三星Galaxy S II),进行六项...Action/Event Detection Classification
58.18M 890
16个化学传感器6种气体 不同浓度的气体传感器阵列漂移数据集 Data Set Information:This data set contains 13,910 measurements from 16 chemical sensors exposed to 6 gases at different...Computer Classification
9.6M 1118
教育背景软件工程团队合作评估数据集 Prof. D. Petkovic (SFSU) Petkovic '@'; Prof. Rainer Todtenhoefer (Fulda University, Germany); Prof. Shi...Computer Classification
399M 857
在受控环境的枣树图像数据集 This dataset contains single date fruit images taken in a controlled environment.Data CollectionA controlled environment...Agriculture Classification
3.3G 787
个人食物中毒症状记录的心电图数据 This is my ECG / EKG. I do have a low heart rate and believe this was the night before I got (or exhibited signs?) of fo...Heart Conditions Classification
9.64M 449
股价走势预测数据集,用技术指标预测近期的股票趋势(上涨或跌) ContextThere's a story behind every dataset and here's your opportunity to share yours.ContentWhat's inside...Business Classification
248.4K 564
显微镜细胞图像中的细胞核分割数据,用于获得DSB 2018第10名的分割数据集的集合 ContentA collection of datasets converted into COCO segmentation format.Preprocessing:Resized few imagesTiled some image...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Biology,Travel Classification
336.32M 887
Others Classification
6.99M 468
公交车头部摄像头采集的人员上车数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Israel Obando# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
823M 493
启动和注返回数据 Others Classification
0.02M 399
背痛数据集 Others Classification
0.04M 474
外汇策略结果一个 Others Classification
1.1M 341