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俄勒冈野生动物,野生动物图像集 I had to prepare a presentation for a meetup in Portland, OR area and was looking for a fresh data set. I didn't wan...Deep Learning,Online Communities,Image Data,Computer Vision,Multiclass Classification Classification
5.1G 1138
牛津大学宠物图像数据集 包含37个类别的宠物数据集,每个类别大约有200张图像。图像在比例,姿势和光照方面有很大的差异。所有图像都有品种,头部ROI和像...Image Search Classification
773.5M 2026
鲍鱼数据集 从物理测量预测鲍鱼的年龄。通过将壳体通过锥形切割,染色它来确定鲍鱼的年龄,并通过显微镜计算环的数量 - 钻孔和耗时的任务。...Animals 2D Box
52K 1410
鳞状爬行动物高级系统发育中的一致性和冲突 基因组规模的数据有可能澄清生命树的系统发育关系,但也揭示了广泛的基因树冲突。这一看似矛盾的现象表明,理解冲突的根源对于准...Others Classification
89.64M 1074
animals with attributes 50种动物类别的标签图像数据集 它由50种动物类别的37322张图像组成,每张图像均具有预先提取的特征表示。这些类与Osherson的经典类/属性矩阵[3,4]对齐,从而为...Animal 2D Box
1.65G 1893
动物园数据集 Creator:Richard ForsythDonor: Richard S. Forsyth 8 Grosvenor AvenueMapperley ParkNottingham NG3 5DX0602-621676Data Set I...Animals,Life Classification
4K 1273
VOC06 训练/验证猫图像,猫脸检测 通过VOC06训练/验证猫图像对猫脸检测器进行了培训,并带有其他手动猫脸注释。提供了检测示例。...Animal Classification
376K 1125
VOC06 马匹检测器数据集 在VOC06训练/验证数据集上训练了马匹检测器。提供检测示例以及对VOC06测试仪的性能评估。如右图所示的精确调用曲线所示,在其他V...Animal Classification
520K 858
动物属性标记数据集 此数据集提供了一个基准传输学习算法的平台,特别是属性基础分类和**零镜头学习[1]。它可以作为原始动物的属性*(AwA)*数据集 [...Action/Event Detection Classification
13G 981
黑猩猩脸部图片数据集 This dataset can be used for any non-commercial purpose, e.g., research or education, given that the following paper is...Face Classification
604M 986
斯坦福大学-犬类数据集 The Stanford Dogs dataset contains images of 120 breeds of dogs from around the world. This dataset has been built using...Animal 2D Box,Image Caption
756.8M 2543
Squid Giant Axon Membrane Potentia The applied stimulus current profiles can be divided into two groups: Stochastically summated polysynaptic currents (PSC...Animal 2D Box
901.7M 958
MICRO Motion capture data This project contains head movement data recorded from groups of participants asked to stand as still as possible and pr...Animal Image Caption,Audio
64.2M 555
蒙古家养动物 1970 2017 Animals,Environment Classification
0.01M 490
宠物品种特点 Animals Classification
0.03M 845
PetFinder.my采用预测 排序图像 Animals Classification
1924.52M 886
宠物数据集 #数据集此数据集由Luiz Otavio在Other(描述中指定)#Contents下创建。它包含以下文件:...Animal,Animals Classification
1.8G 423
动物检测小型数据集 #数据集此数据集由viswateja gajulavalthy创建,发布于CC0:公共域#目录下,包含以下文件:...Others Classification
6.4G 481
伊索迪达 Animals,Medicine Classification
243.74M 483
品种特性 Animals Classification
0.03M 754