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Large-Scale Image Annotation using Visual Synset (ICCV 2011) Action/Event Detection Classification
1.5G 551
NUS-WIDE 网络图像数据集 Image Search Classification
5.8G 1026
哈里森图像数据集 Image Search Classification
5.65G 588
The Celebrity in Places 各场景名人数据集 Action/Event Detection Classification
1.9G 729
Places365-Standard 包含365个场景类别180 万张火车图像 There are 1.8 million train images from 365 scene categories in the Places365-Standard, which are used to train the Plac...Common,Image Search,Deep Learning Classification
220G 1214
Google open image Action/Event Detection Classification
18T 587
SVHN街景门牌号码数据集,超过 600,000 个数字图像 SVHN 是一个真实世界的图像数据集,用于开发机器学习和对象识别算法,对数据预处理和格式化的要求最低。它可以被视为与 MNIST 风...Action/Event Detection Classification
5.7G 1228
跌落检测数据集,用于跌倒检测系统 跌倒检测系统的目标是自动检测人类跌倒并可能已经受伤的情况。这种系统的一个自然应用是对病人和老人的家庭监控,以便在跌倒造成...Action/Event Detection Classification
508.77M 982
Person Re-ID (PRID) Dataset 450S This dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-...Action/Event Detection Pose,3D Box Tracking
16.7M 696
Person Re-ID (PRID) Dataset(Multi person trajectory camera) This dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-...Action/Event Detection 3D Box Tracking
990M 709
Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation This page provides downloads for our BMVC'15 paper Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation by Exploiting Uncertainti...Action/Event Detection Pose
25.3M 440
UniCA ElectroTastegram Database (PROP) The UniCA ElectroTastegram Database (PROP) contains 39 differential biopotential measurements recorded from the tongues...Action/Event Detection 2D Keypoints
7.9M 588
YFCC100M 基于雅虎Flickr的影像数据库 YFCC 100M数据库是2014年来基于雅虎Flickr的影像数据库。该库由1亿条产生于2004年至2014年间的多条媒体数据组成,其中包含了9920...Scenario Recognition 2D Box,Classification,2D Polygon
128M 2153
基于智能手机数据集的人类活动识别,六项行为数据(步行、上楼、下楼、坐、站、躺) Data Set Information:实验是由30名年龄在19-48岁之间的志愿者进行的。每个人在腰部佩戴智能手机(三星Galaxy S II),进行六项...Action/Event Detection Classification
58.18M 868
手部自由运动数据集 Data Set Information:The dataset (movement_libras) contains 15 classes of 24 instances each, where each class refer...Physical Classification
149K 648
MoCap手姿势数据集,可用于进行姿势识别 Data Set Information:Vicon运动捕捉摄像头系统用于记录12名使用者在左手手套上贴上标记,进行5种手部姿势。手套背面的刚性标记...Action/Event Detection Classification
32.4M 743
coco 2014训练、验证数据集 coco 2014训练、验证数据集...Image Search Classification
20G 682
因子分析,基于PCA的图像分割方法 因子分析,基于PCA的图像分割方法...Business,Earth and Nature Classification
5.8K 665
CVPR 2019 论文 计算机视觉和模式识别大会数据 CVPR is the premier annual computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and sho...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education,Text Data Classification
3.24G 343
1000 个摄像机数据集,描述13处房产中1000个摄像头的数据 Some camera enthusiast went and described 1,000 cameras based on 13 properties!ContentRow one describes the datatype for...Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Electronics Classification
0.08M 449