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工厂村数据集 Earth and Nature,Biology,Diseases,Plants Classification
326.38M 499
卡格尔空客位置 ID Earth and Nature Classification
3.56M 172
德福罗宾逊 103 Earth and Nature Classification
0.6M 181
印度官方边界 Earth and Nature Classification
0.4M 553
心脏心律失常数据库 Universities and Colleges,Heart Conditions Classification
0.35M 227
球和手在杂耍的视频 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Image Data,Video Data Classification
5570.93M 232
36 个杂耍模式 Earth and Nature Classification
4.24M 201
空气质量台湾 2014 2018 Earth and Nature,Pollution Classification
1564.89M 450
着色图像 Arts and Entertainment Classification
125.76M 190
碰撞 Earth and Nature,Physics Classification
2.07M 232
黑客地球深度学习挑战 4 Earth and Nature,Education,Games Classification
1590.01M 194
泰坦尼克号 Dm 子集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.05M 208
Mywaifulist Earth and Nature,Software,Image Data Classification
3423.55M 208
百万播放列表 Earth and Nature,Music,Recommender Systems Classification
2120.44M 192
神奇宝贝数据集 seborn 基础知识 Earth and Nature Classification
0.47M 193
工厂村数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
1236.77M 189
专辑蛇 Earth and Nature Classification
0.03M 605
加州理工学院 256 无重命名 2 Earth and Nature,Universities and Colleges,Image Data Classification
1105.66M 508
SNLI 模型和重量 Earth and Nature,Exercise Classification
73.54M 189
s7 v19.苏巴姆·夏尔马桑坦德的下一步是什么 Arts and Entertainment,News Classification
6.03M 205