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纳什维尔的公共艺术 Art Classification
0.04M 688
国际天文学联合会命名恒星目录 Earth and Nature,Astronomy Classification
0.03M 414
用于图像检索的城市建筑 Computer Science,Education,Classification,Computer Vision,Art,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
81.32M 424
口袋妖怪的图片 Arts and Entertainment,Games,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
31.32M 391
被卷入在线性工作的风险 Earth and Nature Classification
20.96M 376
座头鲸识别-侥幸定位 Biology,Animals,Earth Science Classification
0.07M 377
文书主任水平(2000 -) Earth and Nature,Religion and Belief Systems,Environment,Feature Engineering,Pollution Classification
548.41M 394
网球比赛制图计划 Arts and Entertainment,Sports,Tennis Classification
228.97M 699
SpeechCommandV0.2清洗 Earth and Nature,Software,Linguistics Classification
3184.71M 574
的东西 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.01M 385
Talento由2018 Arts and Entertainment,Education,Demographics,Categorical Data Classification
0.67M 604
Yosuga no Sora对话 Arts and Entertainment,Literature Classification
0.57M 377
棕地地产税,补救保险 Earth and Nature,Finance,Socrata,Real Estate Classification
0.41M 305
纽约2000年和2010年人口普查,城镇 Earth and Nature,Social Science,Socrata Classification
0.11M 425
欺诈电子邮件数据集 我使用了( )数据集的一部分来创建这个新的监督式学习数据集。请...Earth and Nature Classification
15.2M 906
纽约州石油、天然气和其他监管井,来自纽约州开放数据 这是一个由纽约州托管的数据集。州政府有一个开放的数据平台,他们根据引入的数据量更新信息。使用 Kaggle 和所有可通过纽约州组...Business,Earth and Nature,Socrata,Geology,Oil and Gas Classification
22.27M 448
口袋妖怪一代一 Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
1150.37M 682
2017 01 28 -特朗普的推文 Arts and Entertainment Classification
2.11M 375
温室气体墨西哥各部门(1990-2010) Earth and Nature,Government,Demographics,Environment,Forestry Classification
0.05M 376
圣Franscisco签入 Arts and Entertainment,Social Science,Universities and Colleges,Data Visualization,Geospatial Analysis Classification
18.01M 368